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Toddler vaccines died
Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Toddler Dies 30 Hours After 3 Shots: MMR, Varicella and Hep A Vaccinations

Shared from his mother, Gabriella.

“Hi my name is Gabriella, the mother of Dino Angelo Santuccione, who lost his life at 1 years old due to vaccines.

It was like any normal day I took him to his 1 year old check up appointment at Guilderland Pediatrician where my Son received 3 shots that day: MMR, VARICELLA, HEP A vaccines.

Baby Died Vaccines

My baby boy did not show any signs concerning. He had a low grade fever the night before his passing and his father administered Motrin and a hour later my baby boy went to bed, and did not wake up.

I lost my son 30 hours after he received his 1 year old shots. My baby boy went into heart failure. When we found our son it was too late. And the police treated us like criminals and locked our house down for a few days, took our phones for 4 days, took my sons pillow he slept on, CPS investigated Nick and I and my 3 children and did not find anything suspicious!

We were plastered all over the news, Facebook, Newspaper, before they even investigated what happened to our baby boy.

My son was 32 pounds happy and healthy no issues no abuse NO NOTHING! and CPS is blaming me because I did not go in and check on my baby boy in the middle of the night more!!!

We finally received news from a lawyer they want to take on our case because they have found something involving the vaccines that killed my son. My baby boy should still be here today and not forever be 1 years old because of these vaccines these doctors keep pushing on our baby’s / children!

We have a voice we should be able to stand up for our kids and what gets put into our baby’s body’s! I miss you so much Dino it kills mommy, daddy and your sisters everyday knowing you are not here with us anymore celebrating life. I miss your giggles and your huge warming smile, I miss your “WHATS THAT.”

Baby DINO ANGELO 12/20/2021 – 01-05-2023 Forever one”

Dtap vaccine reaction

Thank you for sharing your story Gabriella.

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One thought on “Toddler Dies 30 Hours After 3 Shots: MMR, Varicella and Hep A Vaccinations

  1. Thank you for sharing your very difficult story, Gabriella. We don’t have words to console you but we are just grateful that you are using your voice. 🙏🏽

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