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Toddler Dies 3 Days After Well Baby Visit: Ryan’s Story

Ryan Johnson was only 15 months when he died suddenly and unexpectedly on October 31, 2011.

Just three days before, the toddler went to his 15 month well baby visit, where he got multiple vaccines including DTaP, HIB, flu and pneumococcal conjugate.

Ryan Thomas Johnson

July 16, 2010 – October 31, 2011

This is his story shared from his mother:

“It took 11 months to get pregnant. Ryan was a happy baby even laughing out loud at 2 weeks old.

On Friday, October 28th he had his 15-month check up and received 4 shots the DTaP, HIB, flu and pneumococcal conjugate, he cried like crazy. That night he was cranky but slept through the night. The next day he was ok but it seemed that his leg was hurting I didn’t think anything of it.

“On October 31st, 3 days days later it was a normal morning I took him to day care. I dropped him off and he didn’t seem himself and even the babysitter noticed. I got a call around 2:40 it was the babysitter saying “Ryan is dead” she kept saying it. I thought it was a joke but it was a nightmare.

I rushed to the hospital. Our babysitter had put him in a car seat so he was sitting up so he could take a nap but when she went back to check on him his eyes were rolled back in his head, she said she started CPR on him. At the hospital they worked on him for an hour but we had to make the decision to stop CPR as there was no chance for him at this point so October 31, 2011 at 4:20 pm Ryan Thomas Johnson, 15-months old passed away.

“That was just the beginning we had to go to the police station after the hospital to be questioned. I knew in my heart our babysitter did everything she could for Ryan. We still have a great relationship and she takes care of Ryan’s Brother Drew.

“It took 4 months to get results on Ryan but it came back as SUDC (sudden unexplained death of a child) the medical examiner said he was a healthy baby so why did Ryan die if he was healthy.

Ryan Thomas died 3 days after his vaccinations, which is when the post inflammatory response is most robust after vaccinations.

The what ifs – what if I didn’t give him the shots that day would he still be here with us? I trusted my doctor and they said it’s rare to have reaction.

Educate BEFORE you vaccinate.” 

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