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Ten COVID-19 Video Clips from The Highwire with Del Bigtree That Destroy the Mainstream Narrative

Sometimes you need to step out on the highwire to get a more accurate perspective.

Guest post by C. Haislip.

Like most people, I have a smartphone. It’s likely you do too, and you might even be reading this post on one!

They are handy devices, but when you are in a bind, they can become weapons to your mind.

My bind happened in the spring of 2020, when a national emergency was declared over a virus which was blown totally out of proportion.

So, like many people around the world, I checked my phone constantly. I became a ‘doom scroller’ that spent hours and hours reading the same information, hoping that mandates and lockdowns would not be my future.

This real life story does have a happy ending. I eventually blocked every news site on my phone (including google) except for one site…

The Highwire with Del Bigtree!

Del has been an advocate for eliminating man made disease, and he had great content long before 2020, but sometime in the early summer, I came back across his information relating to COVID-19.

Finally, an informative media that is backing up their Pandemic discussions with critical thinking, real numbers, and scientific research. It was like a breath of fresh air!

Thanks to The Highwire, there are some incredible videos being shared online that go beyond the doom and gloom and give hope for what’s to come. Let’s talk about the top 10 COVID-19 clips that Del and his team have created this year!

What you’ll find in the clips below:

  • Vaccine Safety Systems are NOT doing their job
  • Single, Double and Triple Masking
  • The Unique approach to Covid 19 Vaccine Trials
  • Officials pick and choose numbers for lockdowns
  • Natural Immunity to Covid 19
  • Legit Concerns about mRNA from a Neuroscientist
  • Must Know Informed Consent
  • The Largest Experiment ever done
  • The Fraud behind testing
  • Don’t mention religion, politics and… masks?


Get comfortable, grab a nice beverage, and prepare to take back your life as an informed citizen!

Top Covid 19 Videos from The Highwire with Del Bigtree

1. Vaccine Safety Systems are NOT doing their job

The vaccine safety systems meant to keep you safe, are failing to catch the adverse events happening after covid vaccinations. Get the latest reasons why in this clip about the vaccine safety system failures.

2. Single, Double and Triple Masking

First they weren’t recommended, but now we keep the N95’s for the professionals. What’s the deal with the double mask and the public flip flopping around what’s required for safety. You’ll enjoy this video about double masking for dummies:

3. The Unique Approach to Covid 19 Vaccine Trials

Covid vaccine trials are unlike any other trials done before… and they’ve changed the rules again with their safety charade. This is not good news, and you can find out why in this clip about safety being scrapped in Covid Vaccine Trials.

4. Officials pick and choose numbers for lockdowns

With numbers still rising, and the infamous curve still not flat, why have certain American governors decided to open in the early months of 2021?

After strict lockdowns and threats the numbers aren’t better, they’re actually worse.  So, why now? Let’s talk numbers in this clip about why governors are opening in early 2021:

5. Natural Immunity to Covid-19

If you’ve caught covid (with or without a test) it’s likely that you’ll have immunity that lasts a while. Find out the reasoning behind that statement and what it means going forward in this clip about Natural Immunity to Covid 19

6. Legit Concerns about mRNA from a Neuroscientist

A neuroscientist sits down, with Moderna’s own data, and explains his concerns regarding the new mRNA gene therapy being used for covid prevention. Catch the interview in this video from a neuroscientist’s concerns

7. Must Know Informed Consent

A simple guide for how to report an injury from the covid vaccine (or any vaccine). Let’s walk you through the details in this life saving clip about reporting injuries.

8. The Largest Human Experiment Ever Done

An award winning virologist points out the most obvious statement about covid vaccines, anyone that’s takes a vaccine IS the experiment. This wise doctor dives into The Who’s, what’s, and whys behind this statement and details a harrowing truth about the current widespread covid trials in this incredible clip.

9. The Fraud Behind Testing

They think you are too stupid to understand how to determine infection. This clip uncovers why covid 19 testing has been flawed from the beginning.

10. Don’t mention religion, politics and… masks?

The hottest debate seen in years. Masks? Or no masks? No matter where you stand, you’ll be surprised to learn the truth behind the masks.


Before you go…

These clips are a must watch to be informed about Covid 19, but they are just clips!

To see the full Highwire episodes, click through to the home page. Every Thursday, Del and his team deliver a new episode relating to everything from pesticides, to cancer, to vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs. Del talks about nutrition, environmental disease and brings on a slew of experts to interview! And the best part, it’s LIVE.

I’d love to know, did you have a favorite episode? Comment below!

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