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Teens Develops Myocarditis After COVID Vaccine: It Can Happen To Your Teen, Too

Myocarditis and pericarditis are two vaccine injuries that are mistakenly called “rare.” But the truth of the matter is: this heart injury is much more common in teens after the vaccine than occurs after a viral infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Most studies don’t account for mild and asymptomatic infections when they calculate the risk per million, which inflates the risk of myocarditis for adolescents when they only include hospitalized COVID-19 infections. Very few adolescents are ever hospitalized as a result of a COVID infection. The CDC estimates between 16% and 50% of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection are completely asymptomatic.

For us to make a practical risk vs. benefit assessment for our own child–we need to understand how the risks compare, based on a denominator that includes all infections, including asymptomatic ones.

What is myocarditis?

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is an inflammation of the sac around the heart. Symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath, or an abnormal heartbeat (fast, fluttering, or pounding).

Myocarditis can damage the tissues of the heart, which is an organ that does not self repair. Any damage turns into scar tissue. Myocarditis increases a person’s overall risk of death:

Long-term prognosis was usually good with a 3–5-year survival ranging from 56 to 83%, respectively. Patients with acute fulminant myocarditis, once they survive the acute illness, had an excellent long-term prognosis of 93% at 11 years, compared with 45% of the patients presenting with acute non-fulminant myocarditis.

How common is myocarditis?

Before the COVID pandemic, myocarditis really was rare. The background rate for U.S. service members was 2.16 per 100,000 unvaccinated (meaning no smallpox vaccine) service members. For smallpox vaccine recipients, that jumps up to 16.1 cases per 100,000 smallpox vaccine recipients.

From 2005-2017, of 322 consecutive patients admitted with myocarditis, the median age was 37 years. In 2021, after investigating over 280 reports of myocarditis since the vaccine rollout, the median age following dose 2 is 24.

The incidence of myocarditis in children was estimated to be 1 per 100,000 children per year.

Compare that to a recent pre-print that found that the rate of post-vaccine myocarditis is exponentially higher:

The rate of myocarditis after two shots of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be 162.2 cases per million for healthy boys aged 12 to 15 and 94 cases per million for healthy boys aged 16 to 17. The equivalent rates for girls were 13.4 and 13 cases per million, respectively.

At current US infection rates, the risk of a healthy adolescent being taken to hospital with Covid in the next 120 days is about 44 per million, they said.

The rate of post-vaccine myocarditis appears to be higher than unvaccinated myocarditis rates by a factor of 10.

We have to stop downplaying vaccine side effects

What is happening right now is an intentional downplaying of vaccine injuries in favor of promoting wide vaccine uptake. In other words: your children’s individual lives are not more important to people who only look at numbers, and math models.

A theoretical life may be saved to injure your very real child. The choice is yours.

Shared from Tania, whose teenager suffered from the vaccine:

“My kids, Jack, Abbey and I spoke about them getting the vaccine. With Jack 20 yrs and Abbey 17 yrs, I didn’t want to pressure them, I let them make their own decision. They both said that they wanted to be allowed to go out, to travel the world and live their lives, just like the rest of us, so I booked them in.

They both had their 1st Pfizer vaccine on 15 Sept. Both felt perfectly fine apart from a sore arm. Their 2nd vaccine was Tuesday, 12 Oct. Both Jack and Abbey felt ‘off’ that afternoon and went to bed early.

Jack woke up the next morning feeling a bit like he was getting the flu. Again, normal reaction. By the evening he was feeling okay, apart from a bit of tightening in his chest. It felt worse when he woke up the next morning, along with some pain and a fast heartbeat, but nothing really major.

I had a regular appointment with my doctor at midday and mentioned it to him. He advised us to go to emergency at the hospital just to make sure. At the hospital, (Sunshine Coast University Hospital) they saw Jack straight away.

Bloods and ECG pointed to myocarditis. His heart enzymes were at a very high level. Should have been 1 or 2 but were sitting at 3700. They admitted him straight to the cardiac unit.

After an echocardiogram (ultrasound) they diagnosed Jack with Myo-pericarditis. Inflammation of the heart muscle and the lining of the heart. Jack has absolutely no other underlying conditions, so confirmed that it was caused from the vaccine.

Apparently it’s very rare, but nurses told us that they had seen a few young people in the past few weeks. Apparently we have more of a chance of getting this condition if we contract Covid-19 and could have been so much worse if we’d left it. Who knows what could have happened?”

 What the nurse said is false. Most studies done on myocarditis rates after COVID-19 is in a hospitalized population, not mild or asymptomatic cases. The CDC estimated 37% of COVID infections are completely asymptomatic. It is currently not known the true rate of myocarditis in a vaccine-naive population, including asymptomatic infections, but because the risk of being hospitalized with myocarditis in teens is higher post-vaccination than the teen’s overall risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19, the risk must be less than the vaccine. 

“The next few days were a blur! Anti inflammatory meds, many, many blood tests, heart monitoring and constant stress and worry. Enzymes continued to reduce with medication and Jack started to feel better.

On Tuesday afternoon, he had an MRI. We received the results on Wednesday morning. Still a little bit of fluid around the heart, but no permanent damage or scarring. Enzymes had gone right down. Jack was so lucky!

He got the all clear to go home. We packed everything up and the cardiologist requested one more blood test just to make sure. Another bombshell. His liver enzymes had risen and were 10x higher than they should be. Sitting at 510 when they should have been 40-50.

We now needed to see a liver specialist and there was no way that Jack was going home. More blood tests and an ultrasound yesterday. Results this morning. Jack’s liver is fine, enzymes were trending down.

Dr said that the medication he was on was very unlikely to cause liver damage. Again, the vaccine was the blame, although very rare.

After 9 days in hospital, my beautiful boy is finally home, he’s one of the lucky ones, and I thank the Universe for bringing him back to us safely and for not letting me completely lose my marbles! Maybe that will happen later 🤪 We are not anti-vaxxers.

We want to keep us and others safe from getting this terrible virus, but we also want to be able to have the freedom of speech to speak up about what happened and not be ‘shut down’. Please feel free to use my story for whatever you may need. Have a beautiful day 🙏”

Shared from his mum, Tania.

Other teens and young adults who developed myocarditis or pericarditis following the mRNA vaccines:

Heart Problems In Teens Following COVID Vaccines

13-Year-Old Jacob Clynick Dies Less Than 3 Days After Pfizer Vaccine

Pfizer Vaccine Causes Heart Attack and Myocarditis In Healthy Young Man: Christopher Boeckman’s Story

19-Year-Old Simone Scott Dies From Heart Failure After Moderna Vaccine

California Teenager Died Suddenly Within 48 Hours of Pfizer Vaccine

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