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Study: Breastmilk Contains Vaccine mRNA

When the COVID-19 vaccines were initially rolled out, and pregnant and lactating women were given the green light to get the experimental injections (despite clinical trials excluding them as a study population) there were reports and stories of nursing infants breaking out into hives, fevers, seizures, or even dying unexpectedly after nursing on a recently vaccinated mother.

Our social media accounts were disabled and censored for sharing these stories. We were called out for ‘misinformation’ and spreading ‘conspiracy theories’.

Here’s a VAERS report that describes a 3 month old baby having a 7-minute long seizure after drinking milk expressed from the mother post-vaccination.

Yes, Breastmilk May Contain Vaccine MRNA

Now a new study in JAMA Pediatrics is confirming what many of us knew all along: The mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines ends up in breastmilk. (They even said it doesn’t end up in the blood but we know it does!).

Published September 26, 2022, “Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk” investigated whether the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA can be detected in the expressed breast milk (EBM) of lactating individuals receiving the vaccination within 6 months after delivery. 

Only 11 women were included in the study, but five of them had detectable levels of vaccine mRNA in their breastmilk:

Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours post-vaccination.”

The methods investigated samples from women up to 6 months after delivery, however, they only took milk samples up to 5 days after vaccination.

No vaccine mRNA was detected in prevaccination or postvaccination EBM samples beyond 48 hours of collection.

Because their cut-off was 5 days post-vaccination (120 hours), we don’t have data related to whether there could be mRNA past 120 hours.

This study is much higher than previous papers which reported either no detectable mRNA or very small amounts:

A paper from 2021 found that 2% of breastmilk samples from 4 mothers within 1 week of vaccination contained vaccine mRNA.

Another paper from 2021 studied the breastmilk of 7 women, involving 13 samples collected from 4 to 48 hours after vaccination and found no detectable mRNA.

All of these studies are with such small sample sizes. We don’t know if there are other factors that increase or decrease the presence of mRNA in breastmilk, but it’s clear: the vaccine mRNA does end up in the breastmilk.

The part that isn’t completely clear, is how this affects a newborn, infant or nursing toddler. Whether they like it or not, we are all different. No study can predict how you or your infant will react to something.

VAERS Reports


This is to report an adverse reaction in my nursing baby. Starting the first afternoon after my vaccination, she broke out in a rash on her face and neck which later spread to her upper/middle trunk and also became a diaper rash. She was fussy and had loose bowels for 5-7 days. And bowel consistency still hasn?t returned to normal after 1 month. The rash is still here and will wax & wane and continue as I nurse her. Rash had a burn appearance initially and skin would open and peel. The rash sometimes looks like and behaves like exzema but also other times as the skin has healed, we see a spider-like capillary design under her almost healed skin which will then flare and erupt again. It appears to be an inflammatory response. Same baby had a similar reaction on a much much smaller scale after the first shot 28 days prior. (Dec. 20, 2021) We are still battling this 1 month later.


Infant was NOT immunized directly, but her mother was via injection in the left shoulder. Infant eats primarily breastmilk. About 24 hours after the vaccine was administered, infant began to exhibit signs of discomfort, fussiness, and low fever (100.5 F). Infant woke up 3 times at night crying and apparently experiencing pain. Infant exhibited reduced symptoms following administration of oral liquid Tylenol. Red rash comprised of small bumps and skin discoloration was observed 4 days after vaccine was administered, though infant does not appear to scratch or react to the rash.


my 6 month old, whom I am breastfeeding, became sick with a moderate fever for 3 days and then a rash about a week about 10 days later.


exposed via breastmilk; hives; This is a spontaneous report received from contactable consumer (mother) reported for baby (patient). A 17-month-old breastfed female patient exposed BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Batch/Lot number was not reported) via transmammary on 14Apr2021 (at 17-month-old) at 1st dose, single and on 05May2021 at second dose, single for COVID-19 immunisation. No patient history (medical history, family medical history), other products, and other vaccines within 4 weeks. The patient broke out into hives after caller received each dose of the vaccine. The first time that she noticed the hives was on 18Apr2021. They thought it was a rash but then learned that it was hives. They took the baby to the emergency room on 23Apr2021 but they thought it was unlikely that it was from the vaccine because it’s not a live vaccine. They had her do loratadine (CLARITIN toddler chewable) once daily and it worked for 2 days. She stopped taking the Claritin and then the hives would come back. The hives did eventually stop, maybe five days before the second shot. Then the second shot was on 05May2021 and the hives were there the next morning. The baby still had the hives, and the loratadine was helping but it seems like every time she skips a day of loratadine it comes right back. She did ended up seeing a dermatologist for the baby after her second shot. They gave her Baby diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) but it did not work at all. She tried oatmeal baths, and that did not help. The dermatologist said because of the timing it has to be related. Hospital admission was not required for her baby. The only thing caller took directly following her vaccines was the paracetamol (TYLENOL). The hives did not bother the baby at all, they just looked bad. They were warm to the touch, and the baby was warm. They were on her face to just past her knees. They got better only with loratadine. If she misses a day of the loratadine, the next morning they would be bad. They ended up worse under her arms and chest and back – are the worst. The outcome of the events was not resolved. 

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