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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

She Got The Vaccine: This Is Matilda’s Reaction

Shared from Matilda:

Get the vaccine they say..  Lockdown over..

What the news doesn’t tell you is how aggressive the side effects are. Yesterday, I lost control of my body, I could hardly lift up my arms. My eyes would ache to open. To get one word out of my mouth was painful, my tongue struggled to allow sound from my swollen and red throat.

My chest felt pressure, then aches which turned into sharp pains. My heart slowed down making each and every breathe harder and harder. Rashes on my chest we’re sore and red.

I was rushed to hospital last night, to be taken into the emergency room, to be sat down on my own with no one to help. It wasn’t until I had to verbally explain I had flu symptoms that they put me in a wheel chair and took me through to be triaged. It was a mess, because I couldn’t verbalise what was going on.

I then went straight to a bed, my heart rate was incredibly low 84/49. Hooked up and poked and prodded, two nurses and a doctor had to slap my veins to try to get one to do blood tests. This took three attempts in my left arm and two on the right arm. Two drip bags later I started to come to, barely able to hold a cup of water to drink, I have never felt exhaustion, pain and heaviness.

They don’t tell you this when you get the vaccine, and they do not put this on the tv ads. I don’t think anyone is prepared for the possible extreme side effects.

I am aware that this is going to open the flood gates of social media hell on this post, but I want to make people aware of what can happen. And for those who push vaccines, or people who are against. Be aware that this is real life, not sugar coated. This is our health and well being at risk.. scary stuff!

DISCLAIMER** My post is spoken from my emotion and my own experience, which should spread awareness to look after your bodies and do what is right for you! In no way am I here to sway anyone’s opinion. Your body, YOUR CHOICE ❤️

You can follow her story here.


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