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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories

Ryder’s Story

Shared from his mama Lauren Strickland,

Five years ago, I became a crazymother that would be ridiculed endlessly for speaking out that my son was injured by vaccines.

I’ve been told my kids deserve to die, that I’m a horrible mother, I’m uneducated, etc. But you know what? I’ve also been thanked endlessly for speaking out, I’ve been hugged and validated, and rallied with parents who experienced the same thing we did…vaccine injury. My son didn’t deserve this. The ‘greater good’ was not more important. His life had, and still has, so much value. I will protect him, and our rights as parents, until my dying day. I may be laid back and relaxed on many many topics, but on this one I am a force to be reckoned with.

Five years ago tomorrow, I woke up to find my baby different than he was when he went to sleep. Five years ago, on the 22nd, we were at the ER as his eyes progressively lost function and they were concerned about a brain tumor.

He had a CT scan and we waited to find out if my 15 month old baby had a tumor.

Five years ago, on the 25th, back at the ER, the doctor asked me when he was vaccinated. It had only been a few days ago. He told me vaccine induced strabismus is common with vaccines, although Ryder’s strange case was pretty rare. I went home, I learned about VAERS, I filed a report, and dove into research.

Not long after, I found out he was almost completely deaf in his right ear (his right eye was the most affected as well).

I remember a doctor calling it a ‘brain thing’. There was nothing to fix, the brain was basically not functioning correctly.

In 2017, he was diagnosed with autism. I didn’t see the signs. I thought he was just a challenging child. I was wrong. I attribute his autism to that ‘brain thing’.

He never received another vaccine. Nor have my other kids.

Vaccines stole a lot from him, but they did not steal his heart, his joy of life, or his beautiful smile.

This is just Ryder’s story. There’s plenty more like his.’

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