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Rochester Man, 28, Died 4 Days After Moderna 2nd Dose

Jake Kazmarek was a 28-year-old body builder and weight lifter who got the 2nd dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on September 28, 2021. Four days later he unexpectedly died.

It is unclear the cause of death, but a search of news reports in the Rochester area does not reveal any auto accidents, or evidence of some accidental death. Bodybuilders appear to have a higher risk of sudden death, possibly due to their overall regiment–but could the vaccine have caused his death?

The happily married FedEx driver posted his COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card the day he got his second dose:

The very next day, on the 29th of September, Jake made a post to Facebook about vaccine side effects. He may have been searching side effects, trying to calm his own nerves for having some.

He also replied to a commenter that he had been “not feeling good at all today”:

Then, a few days later Jake’s death was publicly announced. It says that he died October 2nd, which is just 4 days after he got the second dose of the Moderna vaccine lot 076C21A:

His wife described that Jake has “passed away unexpectedly:”

It is unclear what caused this young man’s death, however because there is such a close temporal association to the COVID-19 vaccine, the death is required to be reported to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

All deaths after the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as any adverse event, is required by law to be reported. A search of his lot number, with his location, and age does not yield any reports that fit his description. The single male report in NY is a 25 year old, not 28 year old, and this isn’t a death report.

My heart goes out to his family and friends. This is a tragedy that no one should experience. I hope they get answers.

I also hope his death is added to VAERS, so we can detect these safety signals, and change the conversation away from “Vaccines are safe and effective” to “Vaccines are not safe for everyone.”

Many young people have been injured by the COVID-19 vaccines.

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