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Science Is Unsettling


Health News, Parenting, Vaccines

Research Vaccines Like Your Life Depended On It

⚠️We should just “trust” doctors, even though medical error is the third leading cause of death?

⚠️We should give our children every single recommended vaccine, even though there are 4 times as many doses as many as when we were kids?

⚠️We shouldn’t have a choice about what goes into their body, even though we are the ones fully responsible for their health?

⚠️They shouldn’t be able to go to school, even though we all have a constitutional right to a free public education?

When I was pregnant with my first, I knew nothing, I mean NOTHING, about vaccines.

Yet, I wasn’t born yesterday. I knew pesticides were poisonous, and aluminum in deodorant was toxic. I could easily recognize that the people who took the most prescription medications (as a bandaid) were the least healthy.

I knew the Standard American Diet (SAD) was processed and unhealthy, and that artificial flavor and food coloring was complete garbage. I knew most of these corporations didn’t genuinely care about our health (I mean why put dangerous ingredients in children’s products in the first place, derived from coal tar or aluminum, parabens cause cancer, high fructose corn syrup causes diabetes & obesity). Why even do that?!?

And then there’s vaccines.

You know, the irony of it all is THEY use fear-based propaganda even though THEIR products are the scariest of all. They stick needles into perfectly healthy babies, and force parents to ignore their intuition around this. We know, deep down inside, that this is wrong. But we are afraid to speak up. We are afraid we don’t have all the information. We want to trust our doctors, scientists. I get it. But they don’t know everything. They are only humans.

I can say now, I am shocked more people don’t ask questions. Some of the stuff I have come across over the years, like a SIDS infant was 7 times more likely to have received a DPT vaccine within 30 days of their death than >30 days. The information is out there.

That delaying that first vaccine just 3 months reduces asthma risk by 2 thirds. See all my vaccine studies.

That most of the polio cases in the 1950s epidemic were recently vaccinated, called “Provocation Polio”.

That before 1965, everyone shared syringes and needles. That RSV originally came from lab chimpanzees. That children in Guinea-Bissau who received the DPT vaccine had a higher all-cause mortality than children who didn’t get the shot.

That HIV was first identified in the same region in the Congo shortly after the polio vaccine trials began there. Just today, I learned the hepatitis c virus most likely came from horses, which were used to make vaccines and serums. Epilepsy? Gulf War Syndrome? Autism? Guillain Barre?

How anyone can unequivocally say that “Vaccines Save Lives”–I really don’t know. Please research, like your life depended on it.

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