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SIDS Vaccines Premature Babe
Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Preemie Dies Two Weeks After Delayed ‘Well Baby’ Visit

Jiovanni Jimenez was born at 35 weeks on August 25, 2023, weighing just 5 pounds 2 ounces. Despite the fact he was born premature, little Jiovanni was so healthy he overcame the NICU in just three days, according to his mom, Heather Biesel. By the time Jiovanni reached two months old, he was already in the 70% percentile for weight and growth.

Due to scheduling conflicts, Jiovanni’s four month shots were delayed closer to five months.

“He did not like to take the [oral vaccine] well when they inserted he spit it up and they wanted to give more and I said ‘No.’ Thirteen days later my son passed.”

“They linked it to SIDS, but I will never not believe it was vaccine related. I watched him drool and get fussier more and at the time I linked it to teething. I will regret it every day.”

According to Heather, the medical examiner did the bare minimum due to work load.

“I fought for them to even complete their job and move him to the funeral home. They left it ‘Undetermined.’ I then called multiple times for them to give me reasoning.” 

“And they said no reason could put weight over another, which was insane to me. But they told me they needed to examine every organ from heart to brain which affected his body and me preparing him for his funeral. No organ showed signs of illness or heaviness.”

Perfectly healthy before getting the vaccines, and growing beautifully, Jiovanni passed away suddenly on January 30, 2024, just 13 days after getting the CDC recommended vaccines.

Now, Jiovanni’s mom is a warrior, bravely telling her son’s story and blowing the whistle on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. She won’t be following the rules any more, she said.

“I know what I know and will fight for other moms as well.”

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