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Peripheral Neuropathy After COVID-19 Vaccine in Young, Healthy Man

Shared from Mike Kameron:

“As some of you may know I’ve been dealing with a vaccine injury quite some time now. First I want to make it 100% clear I am in no way anti-vax: I got this vaccine because I was led to believe it was safe and effective but clearly that’s not the case for everybody. It’s been seven months now and my symptoms are still with me, they may be with me for the rest of my life although I remain hopeful that there is an other side to this.

Specifically the vaccine has caused peripheral nerve damage throughout my body. To explain what that means, I do not have long fiber damage which causes weakness and motor skill deterioration. I have small fiber neuropathy which is responsible for your sense of touch and pain. This injury has left me with burning sensations throughout my body. It feels like I have a constant sunburn, at other times it feels like I have broken glass underneath my skin. It causes temperature dysregulation, so I can’t tell as easily if the water is too hot or cold. The sensations are all over my body but tend to travel around and intensify or lessen in certain areas throughout the day. It’s left me in chronic pain. Currently I’m not taking any medications for the pain because I’m not a big fan of being medicated, but I might consider in time.

I’ve been to many doctors and the answers just are not easy to come by because even in the world of neurology not a lot is known about my condition. I cannot even get clear answers on whether I will heal or this will be with me forever. Some sources of information say I could spontaneously heal anywhere from a year to two years, other places say generally it doesn’t go away. Fortunately I have an appointment with a highly reputable neurologist who dealt with these injuries on Monday and I will go from there. One possibility is receiving a treatment like IVIg that will help if there is an autoimmune component at play.

Additionally I will not be able to continue getting vaccinated, which leads me at additional risk and further isolated. Thankfully I’m not entirely alone and I’m deeply appreciate of of those who have stuck with me through this. I also have several support groups with thousands just like me searching for answers.

I understand we’re in an emergency because of this pandemic, however more research definitely needed to be done in certain populations before declaring it safe and effective. Sadly, there is really no compensation for people who are injured, people who lose their jobs are the worst affected. For now I am able to keep working which I’m thankful for since I have a remote job. I deeply feel that there should be help for anybody who is injured, without exception.

Although I am not anti-vaccine otherwise I would not have gotten this; I don’t believe in vaccine mandates, there are people with underlying health conditions that just don’t want to play dice. If I did have an underlying condition, I had no clear evidence of it at the onset but had I known of one, the option to have a pass would be the right thing to do.

I’m not asking for anything but support only, I’m the wrong person to debate with, or say “it’s rare, you’re rare…” I’m real. I’m a human being, I got caught up in this thing because I was trying to protect others and myself and do the right thing. I’m not trying to dissuade anyone from making their own personal decisions. I would like however to raise awareness as to the very real injuries happening and the lack of support for those injured trying to do the right thing.”

Please support and connect with Mike.

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5 thoughts on “Peripheral Neuropathy After COVID-19 Vaccine in Young, Healthy Man

  1. I forgot to mention in my above Story that the Dr put a Titanium Clip in my RT Auxiliary Enlarged 1 Inch Prominent Auxiliary Lymph Node, where I had my Core !ymph Node Biopsy. I need this Metal Titanium Clip to be abserved for future Breast Mammograms, Breast Ultrasounds in my Yearly Tests for any Breast Cancer Recurrences! I hope this Metal Titanium Clio does not cause none any future problems like my Itching I am having from thatvJ and J Vaccine that is staying in my body for almost a year and moving all through my Body and causing me more possible damage ! I am in Chronic Pains, and very Lucky I am Retired and do not havevto work but would like to go back to a Hospital to help other people! I am tired of being and feeling I’ll all the Time! I alsonfeel very Lucky Inhave a very Supportive Husband who has always been there for all my Breast Cancer Surgeries, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Treatments, and now these Terrible Side Effects from that J andvJ Vaccine I took back on March 16, 2021! My Husband and I will not get Any Booster Vaccines! I hope to get Better! Stephanie Faith Kruse, RN-BC ,MSW, LSW Retired!

  2. I forgot to mention in my above Story that the Dr put a Titanium Clip in my RT Auxiliary Enlarged 1 Inch Prominent Auxiliary Lymph Node, where I had my Core !ymph Node Biopsy. I need this Metal Titanium Clip to be abserved for future Breast Mammograms, Breast Ultrasounds in my Yearly Tests for any Breast Cancer Recurrences! I hope this Metal Titanium Clip does not cause any future problems like my Itching, Burning in my Back, RT Arm outside,, and Inside my RT Arm, and Burning, Numbness,,Acking, and Tingling and Weakness, and in my Left Hand and Arm too,,, and all I’ve Upper, Mid and mynLower Back too! All these Side Effects I am having from thatJ and J Vaccine that is still staying in my body for almost a year and moving all through my Body and causing me more possible damage ! I am in Chronic Pains, and very Lucky I am Retired and do not havevto work but would like to go back to a Hospital to help other people! I am tired of being and feeling I’ll all the Time! I alsonfeel very Lucky Inhave a very Supportive Husband who has always been there for all my Breast Cancer Surgeries, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Treatments, and now these Terrible Side Effects from that J andvJ Vaccine I took back on March 16, 2021! My Husband and I will not get Any Booster Vaccines! I hope to get Better! Stephanie Faith Kruse, RN-BC ,MSW, LSW Retired! I am asking for help, Advice and Support! Thank you!

  3. A. “I’m not antivax” sure is a thing antivaxxers say.

    B. How does he know this isn’t long COVID? Neuropathy is a symptom.

      1. NO it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, Miss COM 😖 But that’s exactly how SOME people are directed, coerced or paid to portray these vaccine injuries, if they’re even allowed to be uploaded. 😭 Media and their types, BigTech and BTers, educators, et al, refuse to concede that woke ppl and progressively moving people in gov’t, or ANY people who threaten other people, that they’ll be excluded, cancelled, destroyed is taking place right here in USA. They are the current, self-appointed arbiters of truth and the new anti-American way! Don’t believe like us, you’re OUT.

        I have a RADICAL suggestion for all injection-harmed people, 🙏🙏🙏 He is > > > than any poison man can cook up and Our Lord is ABLE to cast it from their body! GOD IS GOOD and wants to be all our answers 🥰🥰🥰

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