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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Health News, Parenting, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

One DTaP Shot Paralyzed Baby Nash from the Neck Down

It’s truly unbelievable what is happening to perfectly healthy babies, and people just don’t get it.

  • They don’t get that vaccine injuries like this aren’t rare at all.
  • They don’t get that the diseases we are vaccinating against, aren’t even posing an imminent danger to infants and children.
  • That we are subjecting our children to a risk-filled procedure, for no emergent reason.
  • They don’t get that you could be fully vaccinated, and still get that exact infection.
  • They don’t get that a single vaccine injection could cause a huge range of vaccine injuries, including death, which are near impossible to predict.
  • They don’t get that you could be trading a short term or even asymptomatic infection that has treatments, for a potentially lifelong chronic illness which are inherently untreatable, which require dependency on pharmaceuticals for life.
  • They don’t get or they don’t know that unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children.
  • They don’t get that IF something does happen to your child, that no one will believe you, your medical providers may deny the vaccine was involved, and they may not be able to recover and help your child.
  • They don’t get that IF something happens, that there is no one who takes responsibility, that you can’t hold the pharmaceutical company accountable, nor the government’s no-fault system.
  • They don’t get that IF something happens, your medical provider may not report this reaction to VAERS, and without this important data collecting, statistically it’s like it didn’t happen. But as the parent, you know it did. And now you have to live the rest of your life knowing you were deceived, betrayed and gaslighted.


And this is how vaccines continue to be believed as “Safe and Effective” because no one *wants* to report reactions for vaccines, because it may create vaccine hesitancy, yet because of this overt refusal to acknowledge, report and study vaccine risks and harms–vaccine hesitancy is not only warranted, it’s completely justified.

Baby Nash

Baby Nash was born perfectly healthy. He was happy, beautiful, and growing perfectly and hitting every milestone on time. At his 6 month well-child checkup on January 22, 2021, his pediatrician said “He is perfect.”

Baby Nash got one vaccine that day, just a single DTaP injection. His mother documented the days after the vaccine. This is what happened next:

If the video below doesn’t work, please try clicking this link. Not sure why Bitchute links aren’t working on WordPress.

His mother has set up a Gofundme to help with costs of stem cell therapy.

Here’s a new video of mom describing what happened to Nash and also giving us an update on his condition. He’s 3 years old now!

Follow her on her TikTok channel where she shares many videos and details her son’s recovery journey. Jordangrim21

From their Gofundme:

Nash was a healthy, happy baby. He was growing perfectly and hitting all of his milestones on time. He had even recently had his 6 month well child check and everything was perfect. On February 4th, their lives changed forever when Nash woke from a nap at daycare with purple lips and limp arms, struggling to breathe. He was intubated and life flighted to Children’s Hospital in Omaha, where he was diagnosed with a form of Myelitis (inflammation and nerve damage to his spine). The CDC has not officially confirmed if this is Transverse Myelitis or Acute Flaccid Myelitis).

Before the polio vaccine came out, this would have been considered polio. Nowadays, it’s called either transverse myelitis, acute flaccid paralysis, or even Guillain Barre syndrome. This suggests “polio” was renamed. Prior to the vaccine, any form of paralysis was clumped under the polio umbrella. After clinical definitions changed, polio was very specific, and its incidence appeared to fall. Read more about the curious history of polio.

The DTaP vaccine is intended to prevent diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis infections by including in the injections the toxins or toxoids those bacteria produce, which can be harmful to our central nervous system. The vaccine includes diphtheria toxin, tetanus toxin, and isolated bordetella pertussis antigens.

From the vaccine insert:

INFANRIX (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed) is a noninfectious, sterile vaccine for intramuscular administration. Each 0.5-mL dose is formulated to contain 25 Lf of diphtheria toxoid, 10 Lf of tetanus toxoid, 25 mcg of inactivated pertussis toxin (PT), 25 mcg of filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), and 8 mcg of pertactin (69 kiloDalton outer membrane protein). The diphtheria toxin is produced by growing Corynebacterium diphtheriae (C. diphtheriae) in Fenton medium containing a bovine extract. Tetanus toxin is produced by growing Clostridium tetani (C. tetani) in a modified Latham medium derived from bovine casein. The bovine materials used in these extracts are sourced from countries which the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has determined neither have nor present an undue risk for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Both toxins are detoxified with formaldehyde, concentrated by ultrafiltration, and purified by precipitation, dialysis, and sterile filtration. The acellular pertussis antigens (PT, FHA, and pertactin) are isolated from Bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis) culture grown in modified Stainer-Scholte liquid medium. PT and FHA are isolated from the fermentation broth; pertactin is extracted from the cells by heat treatment and flocculation. The antigens are purified in successive chromatographic and precipitation steps. PT is detoxified using glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde. FHA and pertactin are treated with formaldehyde.

Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis antigens (PT, FHA, and pertactin) are individually adsorbed onto aluminum hydroxide. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid potency is determined by measuring the amount of neutralizing antitoxin in previously immunized guinea pigs. The potency of the acellular pertussis components (PT, FHA, and pertactin) is determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on sera from previously immunized mice. Each 0.5-mL dose contains aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant (not more than 0.625 mg aluminum by assay) and 4.5 mg of sodium chloride. Each dose also contains 100 mcg of residual formaldehyde and 100 mcg of polysorbate 80 (Tween 80).

Infanrix vaccine insert

Daptacel vaccine insert

Others with similar vaccine injuries

Nick experienced Transverse Myelitis after a Tdap vaccine.

Otto experienced Transverse Myelitis from several vaccines as a toddler, and is still in a wheelchair.

Full body rash after Dtap.

SUDC, Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood, after DTaP and other vaccines in toddler.

Another SUDC after DTaP vaccine in toddler, Nicholas Catone.

To learn about how to do a VAERS search, please visit this page.

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