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Nick Cannon’s Infant Son Dies of Brain Cancer

Nick Cannon announced Tuesday that his infant son, Zen Cannon, at only 5 months old, has died from brain cancer.

The 41-year-old host and ex-husband of Mariah Carey went into some details of his 7th son’s short life:

  • Zen was born in June to Alyssa Scott.
  • Baby Zen had ‘real interesting breathing,’ according to his father.
  • ‘By the time he was 2 months’ Zen had a ‘nice size head’.


Cannon said Zen had fluid building up on his brain, called hydrocephalus. And that’s when the doctor diagnosed Zen with a malignant brain tumor.

Around Thanksgiving, Zen took a turn for the worse, and he passed away just this past weekend.

Vaccines Not Tested For Cancer Causing Potential

So here is the major issue that is ignored by every other article on Nick Cannon’s son Zen’s untimely death: None of the journalists probably even know that none of the vaccines routinely given to pregnant women–or newborns and infants–have ever been evaluated for carcinogenesis or mutagenic potentiala fact stated on each vaccine’s “Vaccine Manufacturer Package Insert.”

Let us reiterate for those who are new here, these are injections of foreign substances, some of the ingredients are actually carcinogenic.

Mainstream journalism may charge me with the overused accusation that I am using a person’s painful story to push an agenda–but when are we going to stand up, and call out these for-profit industries that are poisoning us, profiting off of it, and not legally liable for any of it?

They need to prove a product is safe BEFORE our government licenses it, or mandates it.

Think about it: injections of foreign substances and molecules, including aluminum, foreign DNA, even known carcinogens such as formaldehyde, are injected into people during arguably their most vulnerable physiological states: the prenatal period and the neonatal period.

During pregnancy, a woman’s immune system is naturally and intentionally suppressed to support carrying a child. In the womb, an infant is so vulnerable to what the mother consumes (even feels) she isn’t recommended to have too much canned tuna, or lunch meat, or soft cheese.

But women are routinely encouraged to get a flu shot and a Tdap vaccine before giving birth, and sometimes a RhoGAM depending on her baby’s blood type. Not to mention the cocktail of drugs given to women who choose medicated hospital births, which can include Pitocin, bupivacaine, chloroprocaine, or lidocaine, fentanyl and sufentanil, and more.

Vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants shift the immune system into a Th2 response mode, which has been shown to favor tumor growth.

No vaccine routinely given to infants at birth (Hepatitis B shot) or the vaccines at 2, 4, 6 months and so on also have never been evaluated or ruled out as a cause of cancer or mutations according to their own pharmaceutical pamphlet, or vaccine insert. You can easily read the Vaccine Inserts and search for Section 13.1 on each vaccine insert.

Likewise, the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Janssen has also not been evaluated for their ability to cause cancer. All vaccines are currently still in clinical trial and will be for several more years. You can read about their ingredients here.

Routine Vaccines Given to Infants:

There is no denying that infants are getting more vaccines today than ever before. Could this be one reason why pediatric cancer has risen in recent decades?

According to, about 10,500 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2021, and 1,190 children under the age of 15 are expected to die from cancer in 2021.

With all the money going into cancer research, you think someone would have the questions:


It’s entirely possible that the process of vaccination may for some individuals facilitate cancers or tumors as the current model of cancer suggests it’s our immune system which typically identifies and kills foreign cells, including cancer cells.

You would think scientists would genuinely have some of these questions, but then we have to remember: the field that we know of as “Science” has largely been coopted by Pharma. It’s no longer a method of “asking questions”, it has become a profit-driven elite cartel.

If they aren’t trying to identify a novel therapeutic they can patent and turn into billions of dollars–they may not be interested. Hence why we are behind in decades of research on substances like marijuana and medicinal mushrooms.

So this leaves mothers and fathers like you and I to ask and address these most fundamental of human problems that were incidentally created by other humans.

Studies That Absolve Vaccines and Cancer

When looking at studies that declare vaccines are not associated with cancer, we must be aware that there may not be an unvaccinated control group. If the study is a case-control, they may compare the vaccination uptake of both groups, and determine that “Well the controls had more shots and never got cancer, so vaccines must not cause cancer.”

We are missing something here. The only way for us to really determine the role of vaccines in cancer would be to take a group of completely unvaccinated children or adults, and assess their rate of cancer, and compare that rate to a group of vaccinated children or adults.

But if we start with a group of people where everyone is vaccinated, there is no logical way for us to determine vaccines as a cause or ignition for cancer.

Vaccination and the Risk of Childhood Cancer—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Results: We observed four inverse associations between childhood leukemia and certain vaccines as well as the number of vaccinations: OR 0.49 (95% CI = 0.32 to 0.74) for leukemia death after bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination; OR 0.76 (95% CI = 0.65 to 0.90) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia after Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination; OR 0.57 (95% CI = 0.36 to 0.88) for leukemia; and OR 0.62 (95% CI = 0.46 to 0.85) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia after three or more vaccinations of any type. All other conducted analyses did not show any associations.

Comment: Often looking at one vaccine at a time, and included no completely unvaccinated controls means that the systematic review doesn’t really answer our question. This is still comparing vaccinated to vaccinated, which is the problem with every study of Autism and Vaccines.

Cautiously look at the use of the term “unvaccinated” in some of the separate studies, it means unvaccinated with a single vaccine, not “unvaccinated” as in ZERO vaccines. This is one of the most disingenuous misuses of language in these studies, where if someone is missing a single vaccine they are called “unvaccinated” for the purpose of the study, but it easily confuses the average reader.

What is interesting about this systemic review is it includes many studies which did find an association with certain vaccines and cancers, but those studies were often considered outliers and excluded.

The Question Remains

Could prenatal and infant vaccination be a driver of pediatric cancer? And, we can’t answer that with the current available research.

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4 thoughts on “Nick Cannon’s Infant Son Dies of Brain Cancer

  1. so sad. thanks for reporting.
    Beside carcinogens, the gist i got from Dr. Ryan Cole, vaxx could cause indirectly caner indirectly by skewing the immune response (although he was talking specifically about SARS-COV2).

  2. They don’t take into account polysorbate allergies .. Polysorbate 80 and polysorbate 20 are in many vaccines and crosses blood brain barrier. It is also in vitamin k. It is related to polyethylene glycol. It is in covid -19.

  3. Recommend checking the vaccine inserts in veterinary vaccines. When I left my unvaccinated dog with my ex (his dog before the divorce), he got him shot up and put in a kennel for a week. Within 2 months, a large tumor was on his neck and I had it removed. Shortly after, his left hind leg collapsed – metastatic cancer to the bone had dissolved the bone. After military vaccines (yellow fever) proven to cause cancer and admitted, I figured it out and called him. He verified the vaccines. Then called the vet who denied it until I informed him I already had researched and verified it. He then admitted it. IF YOU CANNOT FIND THE PROOF it is because it has been sequestered away from public eyes. Find an old PDR in the small town libraries or old family doctor’s offices. Look them up.

  4. The book: “Are You Crooked” is a very interesting read. At the bottom of this article, there is a video by the author.

    This next video is an interview with a pediatrician in Oregon that actually has peer reviewed data on unvaccinated children vs vaccinated children that were seen in his practice. The unvaccinated children just didn’t get sick or have as many issues as the vaccinated children. It’s eye-opening…

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