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Newsletter Roundup – How Strict Mandates Increase Vaccine Hesitancy

This is a copy of my recent email newsletter which went out January 21, 2022. To subscribe, please click here.

There are a lot of people who are technically pro-vaccine, who are coming out…I guess in the middle. MD folks like ZdoggMD, Vinay Prasad, Marty Makary, etc…call it Alt Middle.

They are against vaccine and mask mandates, against boosters indiscriminately for young people, they lovingly call the omicron variant ‘a booster.’ They openly criticize Fauci’s policies, masking mandates, they call wearing a mask “theatre”, they call out virtue signaling, call out the elites for their ridiculous rules that apply to others and not them. They even call out the hypocrisy of those who virtue signal their alignment with the BLM movement. They have so much common sense about this stuff!

But….they’re still for….vaccines.

I…guess it’s cool, I don’t want to be ungrateful, but of course I want more, because I see more. Truthfully, I am enjoying the The VPZD Show (podcast) with Zdogg and Vinay. I originally just listened out of curiosity but they’re actually kind of funny–mostly Vinay. They do throw around some F bombs FYI. I enjoy most of their discussion, and find solace in them openly criticizing the CDC, the mainstream media, and the overly “risk averse” health “experts” that disseminate their fears via the New York Times and CNN. I didn’t love their Malone episode rant because it’s clear they have a total blind spot when it comes to ivermectin, HCQ, and all the vaccine side effects that aren’t myocarditis.

Click here for the FLCCC website and the COVID-19 Protocols

The lack of recognition that all vaccines have risks, and deliberate downplaying of VAERS data is the same ‘appeal to medical authority’ they easily criticize when it comes to Malone or McCullough. The blind spot is they can’t see when they are doing it themselves.

And…when they bring up polio, my eyes widen in shock they don’t know that much of that newsworthy polio epidemic of the late 1940s and early 1950s (beyond what they were probably told in medical school which is of course the mainstream narrative) It was a perfect storm: giving DPT injections and doing surgeries like tonsillectomies en masse in the midst of endemic enterovirus (which 99% of the time does not become paralytic).

What changed? Why does no one ask WHAT CHANGED? Cases began climbing in the late 1940s–why?? Why can’t we talk about the brand new DPT vaccine that came out in 1948? Why can’t we talk about DDT?

Why is it such a stretch to talk about toxicity: children’s bodies, our food supply, and our homes and swimming holes were literally saturated in nerve toxins like DDT and lead arsenate. Maybe we aren’t supposed to vaccinate during an epidemic (with one syringe for all children)?

Couldn’t there be a relationship between a weakening of the host’s defenses (via vaccination, surgery, chemicals and toxins, declines in breastfeeding) and a corresponding increased potential of opportunistic infections? Or for typically uneventful and mild infections to become suddenly serious and deadly?

If it can happen in honey bees, maybe it can happen in humans too? If they only knew to ask…..If they only dug a little deeper.

If you’re curious about the 1916 polio epidemic, read this.

This is one of the great issues with Modern Medicine:

We take a whole group of people and vaccinate them against a disease that may only negatively affect a small percent. This cumulative, widespread application of now multiple treatments on a large group of healthy people to prevent a few bad outcomes, now has the potential to cause an unquantifiable number of bad outcomes because we aren’t looking at the effects of widespread, indiscriminate vaccination in a healthy population. We also aren’t even sure if the “treatment” is preventing the so-called bad outcomes.

Prove me wrong: because when I share about the risks I get deleted. When others share about their experience they get deleted. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t pretend that we acknowledge vaccine harm and give a platform to vaccine injured voices AND be constantly deleting, censoring and denying these stories from being shared.

Take this little bit of research I did on the chickenpox vaccine recently. I came across a study that found that the vaccine didn’t prevent the wild type virus to become dormant in vaccinated children. I mean, that’s the whole reason we vaccinate! To prevent not just the rash, but also to prevent the virus from infecting a person. The virus that causes chickenpox, varicella, (which is a herpesvirus) then goes dormant in a part of the brain, and can reemerge later as shingles when the host defenses are challenged. All herpesviruses do something like this, where they are inactive and dormant. But the significant finding of the study is: that the vaccine did not prevent the children from having WILD TYPE virus in that part of their brain.

So I shared this finding to FB and I was promptly put in FB ‘jail’ for 30 days for sharing a peer-reviewed study, no less. Here’s the study:

Latency of Varicella Zoster Virus in Dorsal Root, Cranial, and Enteric Ganglia in Vaccinated Children”

But…to take a step back. In some ways, COVID is the gateway drug, slowly waking people up. I never thought I would give the time of day to someone like Zdogg. I was always irritated by his egotism (now suddenly a little charmed by his spirituality and his earnestness to question himself and reflect on his own biases). I am truly happy they are able to acknowledge that the COVID vaccine has risks for young people which are not balanced by any benefits. (It bothers me when they talk about myocarditis like it’s the only risk, when there are of course countless more). But even Zdogg was questioning getting his own booster, which is…you steps.

They are taking this middle route, and many others, partly because they see the common sense behind having some speculation and hesitation, and see the common sense in balancing the risks and benefits for each person, and they worry that shutting down the conversation and having totalitarian policies will push people to resist harder, and ultimately question more vaccines: And they’re spot on.

Because this is absolutely happening. As it should.

Many of these diseases of yesteryear don’t pose the risk to a person today that they did to a person or child in the early 1900s. Today, many more children have access to nutrition, clean running water, improved sanitation, than they did a century ago–not to mention antibiotics. We can’t pretend nothing’s changed when everything’s changed. The whole logic behind ideas like the hygiene hypothesis is an attempt to explain why there is an increase in chronic illness and allergy and even cancer in children today, yet these highly intelligent people still can’t bother themselves to dig a little deeper on those 69 doses of immune activating injections with cell damaging aluminum which children get today. Studies like this one do a disservice to science when they don’t have a zero exposed control group. If every child in the study eventually was vaccinated (pay close attention, they don’t share how many children remained unvaccinated for the entire study period) we can’t honestly draw the conclusions they try to make. It’s a fluff piece.

Vaccines aren’t the cure-all, and we know that vaccinated people get the “disease” all the time. Most of the people I know getting omicron right now are fully vaccinated!

One thing is for sure: people like you and I, we cannot stop here.

It’s not just the COVID vaccines.

It’s not just myocarditis.

It’s not even just …. right now.

This has been going on for, technically, centuries. Mothers, fathers have been on the frontlines witnessing reactions to vaccines in their own children and for so long have had to push down that intuition and observation in the face of the medical paternalism.

 One of the books I’m currently reading: DPT: A Shot in the Dark is filled with enraging story after enraging story of mothers whose newborns had the hallmark high pitched cry, arching back, convulsions and epileptic fits after the 1st or 2nd dose of the DPT vaccine, and then they were talked into giving THREE MORE DOSES to their severely vaccine injured infants who then went on to be ‘vegetables,’ as one mother put it. So many women in denial, without a voice, without the strength or courage to say NO. These polite women who probably grew up in the 1950s without the mother’s roar we have today. One thing that really bothers me is a woman without gumption. Which is probably why I am the way I am.

I want women to be strong and powerful, vocal and confident.

It made me realize, we have come a long way since then. I am so glad I never ‘sat like a lady’. (my dad would tell me to ‘sit like a lady’ and i would just sit like a pretzel. 80s kid.)

We take it for granted but:

Just saying NO is a feat.

Standing our ground is unprecedented.

Refusing all vaccines is revolutionary.

I feel so sorry for the mothers and fathers of these eras I read about, who were disconnected and disenfranchised from other parents, in a way we are not. As much as a curse our phones are, we are connected in a way no other generation of mothers has been.

I feel unusually lucky and grateful I did not suffer from these catastrophic brain damage DPT reactions I read about, knowing full well I had these same shots, of a vaccine they won’t even give in this country anymore. It’s chilling to know I was born the exact year that recorded the most sudden unexplained infant deaths, incidentally the same year as the Tennessee SIDS Cluster. Many of us are lucky.

Tables have substantially turned. Every day we have a chance to reclaim our voice, our vision, and our strength. Say goodbye to the paternalistic, condescending bedside manner of a generation of physicians who as it turned out, did cause some harm.

Say goodbye to the…

‘doctor knows best.’

‘you never question your doctor…’

These tropes are no longer relevant. Health and wellness is now and forever shared decision making. We aren’t just a patient, we are not just in charge of our body, we ARE OUR body. We are our ultimate caretaker.

Sometimes merely saying no is not enough. Sometimes we have to express the WHY. Don’t be afraid to voice your concerns. Share them with your loved ones, your peers, and especially your legislators, because they are the ones who make policies that directly affect you and your loved ones.

I truly love that people are waking up, but they need to know, everyone needs to know: there is an overwhelming bias that makes this conversation so impossible to have, openly and honestly….

The truth is:

All vaccines have risks. No vaccine is 100% safe and effective.

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