New York Pediatrician Dr. Risa Hoshino Bullied Me And It’s Not OK
Dr. Risa Hoshino, MD from Long Island, New York through her instagram account created stories and highlights instructing her followers to report my account, and one other account, after falsely claiming I was bullying and harassing her. What she did was *actual bullying*, which is apparently lost on her.
My only interaction with her prior to this was I tagged her on a post, which is actually here now. She had shared that table to her account, which contained some actual lies. I addressed it and tagged her in the original post.
Apparently she felt threatened by that, so she orchestrated a targeted attack of my account, summoning her 30,000 followers at that time to report me for “harassment” and “bullying” weeks later.
She succeeded in getting my account, which had nearly 50,000 followers, wrongly disabled from Instagram.
Why is vaccine injury awareness such a threat?
It’s not misinformation.
It’s not cherry-picking.
It’s not harmful to give people the information.
Sure, this is a focused, specialized account sharing the stories of people who had negative experiences with vaccination as well as research into the risks. My account, and others, fill a gap left by many out there who don’t acknowledge this reality. Bringing up these important questions should not be taboo.
Inflating the risks of COVID in children to push a one-size-fits-all vaccine agenda is exactly what accounts like Dr. Risa Hoshino’s does–and why shouldn’t we be able to comment on that? And discuss this issue?
Dr. Risa had no shame in calling people like me anti-vaxxers. But, calling someone an anti-vaxxer is *technically* hate speech. It’s offensive and demeaning. Many people whom I share about are people who vaccinated, and had a reaction that harmed them in some way.
More accurately, they are ex-vaxxers. They are people with legitimate concerns. They are people who are aware that science makes mistakes, and drug companies aren’t liable. They are people with all different genetic make ups and medical histories. Precision medicine is not one size fits all, and people are able to get a second opinion for a reason.
Creating division, brewing hostility WILL DO NOTHING to help one’s mission.
The wonderful thing about CHOICE is, people are free to follow many accounts, to get many perspectives, and to broaden their scope of understanding by negotiating divergent content.
No one said there could only be one kind of account. Preventing diversity and encouraging homogeny of the internet is such a sad and dangerous game.
Celebrating freedom and diversity LOOKS LIKE allowing different kinds of accounts to co-exist and trusting that people have all the tools to make the best decisions for themselves.
Telling your followers to report my account IS BULLYING.
I don’t know how it’s going to end, I’m hoping my account gets reinstated since this is clearly the result of bullying and a targeted attack.
Here’s all the evidence. My mission in life is not to address bullying. But when it comes up, I have to face it head on.
This is what I woke up to:
At first I thought it was Instagram censorship, because Robert F. Kennedy, JR and TheHighWire accounts had just been removed the week before. But only those two accounts were removed, and none of the other smaller awareness accounts had been touched. Why me? Why now?
But then someone mentioned there was a “doctor” who had been telling her followers to report accounts. They mentioned this doctor so I went to her profile, and was shocked to see so many posts and highlights clearly instructing her followers to report my account, and one other account. She even had a story highlight!
Truly shocking to see bullying like this so big and bold. A little self reflection really goes a long way! BTW I never bullied her. I tagged her once. She blocked me, and that was it. I am totally down for a debate, but in her case, she just wanted all of us to go away.
My account may not be everyone’s cup of tea. But everyone is welcome. I respect people who have a different set of beliefs and ideas than me. It’s life.
And then to top it off, Instagram isn’t even working to take my reports of bullying! Talk about a double standard. And now, the other account who is also being targeted by Dr. Risa Hoshino is being threatened personally by her followers who are trying to track down where he lives.
How insane is this? Dr. Risa Hoshino is inciting violence (because she didn’t delete the comment) against accounts who maintain…literally just a different perspective than her.
For the people who believe that my account or this website shares misinformation, please point to the “misinformation.” Claiming misinformation and running away is just admitting there is no proof for your claim.
You’re not a victim here. Anecdotes do not constitute science
Coco, as long as you’re respectful, your opinion is welcome. If vaccine injuries are so rare and we as a society support vaccination, don’t you think we should also support the voices of those who vaccines have negatively impacted? Our concern for people should not stop once the needle leaves the arm.
no its not ok for this to happen to you. You did nothing that is not permitted under freedom of speech. You have a full right to your beliefs and opinions and its objectional that only those who’s paradigms are considered ‘acceptable’ are given validation!! This is the stuff of tyrants and dictatorships.
What I find interesting is that I just stumbled upon a picture of Dr. Risahoshino proudly displaying a Band-Aid on her shoulder with a thumbs up in my phone from a year ago. I figured I would check in on her, and not only is her Instagram account no longer there, neither is her Facebook account.
I am not a mean person, but I think it’s funny when doctors or people in the medical field tell everybody that we should put masks on, have three or four vaccinations, and then they turn up missing because they either had side effects from the vaccine, or died.
I have personally had three friends die within two weeks of taking the vaccine, even though I told them not to. It’s experimental gene therapy, folks…
I gladly helped remove you non scientific data info on Covid is in fact misinformation
Making the claim is cheap, can you actually demonstrate misinformation that I shared?
Would you like to retract your comment now that the good Dr (who encouraged bullying and harassment) has been proven a liar and a fraud??
Kind of a late follow-up on this, but it’s worth pointing out that Dr. Risa Hoshino has been faking her credentials, is not a practicing pediatrician, and may not actually be a practicing physician.
Who Is Risa Hoshino? A “physician influencer”, that’s who.
It now appears that the Doc has been fabricating her Insta content since beginning of pandemic. She is not a working hospital physician. She’s a 9-5Mon-Fri school pediatrician who worked remotely from home during most of Covid. Why am I not surprised.
good to see the hypocrisy being exposed. Seems like this doc must have had some psychological issues, hopefully she gets help before treating any patients.
Dr. Hoshino has some affiliation (i.e. is on the payroll of ) Pfizer.