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MTHFR and Pregnancy

Guest post: Whyser

Sometimes called the detox gene, MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) is an enzyme that plays an important role in the Folate Cycle, which plays a central role in cell metabolism and is crucial role for body homeostasis. 

If you have an MTHFR mutation, you cannot convert folic acid into the more active form of L-methylfolate, which means you could have more unmetabolized folic acid, which can have some untoward effects, such as increase your infant’s risk for autism.

What Is A MTHFR Mutation?

The MTHFR gene that codes for this enzyme has the potential to mutate, which can either interfere with the enzyme’s ability to function normally or completely inactivate it.

One of the major functions of the MTHFR enzyme is to create a biochemical called Methyl-THF.

The “methyl” part of the biochemical will then passed onto another biochemical called homocysteine, which will result in methionine.

Essentially, the MTHFR enzyme has tremendous implications on the methionine cycle, which impacts MANY MANY biological functions, including neurological health, cell health, energy health, ability to deal with oxidative stress, and immune health, to name a few things.

When the methionine cycle is negatively affected, it is extremely detrimental to the body, and with sufficient environmental stressors, such as toxins or severe infection, may result in brain damage.

Vaccines do two things, depending on its ingredients. The first thing is that it adds oxidative stress to your body. The second thing is that it impairs the methionine cycle further (through different means than how MTHFR affects it).

So a person with MTHFR who has an impaired methylation profile, will be further insulted by vaccines, which will increase the risk of neurological damage.

While it is good to detox, it is also good to provide nutritional supplementation that is necessary for a good metabolic profile, such as factors that are intimately involved, like Vitamin D, Vitamin B6 and B12, Folate or methylfolate. Vitamin A can modulate the immune system to reduce disease burden, Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant which can help reduce oxidative stress in the body. These are just some examples of dietary or supplementary things can do.

You can also reduce oxidative stress by ensuring that your gut health is in optimal condition.

What Are the MTHFR Variants?

Each person has two copies of the MTHFR gene: one from his or her mother and one from his or her father. These are the possible genotypes of the MTHFR gene:

  • MTHFR 677 CC (two copies of C, one copy from each parent);
  • MTHFR 677 CT (one copy of C from one parent, one copy of T from the other parent); or
  • MTHFR 677 TT (two copies of T, one copy from each parent).


Another common gene variant is the MTHFR A1298C variant. It is possible that a person has several variants.

How Does a Mother’s MTHFR Status Affect a Developing Baby?

Methylation status of the mother will definitely impact an infant’s growth. Poor methylation increases the risk for neural tube defects which will definitely increase autism risk.

After that, genetics which may be inherited can play a role in the baby’s methylation health.

I think it’s up to about gestational day 20-27 that the tissue folds and closes to form what will become the spine, so it’s good to be as healthy as you can in the first month.


1. MTHFR Gene C677T Polymorphism in Autism Spectrum Disorders

2. Aberrations in folate metabolic pathway and altered susceptibility to autism

3. Study of C677T variant of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene in autistic spectrum disorder Egyptian children

4. Maternal plasma folate and vitamin B12 are independent risk factors for neural tube defects

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