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Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Measles Rash And High Fever After MMR Vaccine

Baby Michael went to his 12-month-check up on January 11 and got several vaccines, including the MMR vaccine. Then he developed the classic MMR rash, fever and congestion that is caused by the live viruses in the shot.

This may also be contagious, so it’s important when a baby presents with these symptoms that he isn’t around any immunocompromised people, including pregnant people and newborns. The package inserts on these live vaccines even say to stay away from these people for up to 6 weeks.

This is one of the reasons why people who no longer vaccinate, no longer vaccinate, because vaccines can actually cause and spread the very infection we supposedly are trying to prevent.

I am so glad Michael is doing better and his mama is going to listen to her instincts and no longer vaccinate. Once he does some gentle detoxes, and gets no more vaccines, another benefit is he will no longer get back to back ear infections, which is way more common in vaccinated children.

Shared from his mama, Briana Ventura.

Before I start I just want to say HE IS OKAY, we are home from the hospital!
After the first week of daycare, Michael started running fevers. Turns out he had an ear infection, the pediatrician put him on amoxicillin. He also had his 12 month check up on January 11 where he got his 1 year vaccines. He went back to daycare Tuesday-Thursday (January 12-14). Thursday night he started running fevers again, but this time he was super congested, coughing, & you could hear that he was filled with mucous.
Over this last week his fevers would get as high as 104.9, it would come down with Tylenol but then shoot right back up. I e-mailed the doctor a million times & brought him to her office twice. First time she said not to worry, it’s probably just adenovirus & as long as he’s eating & drinking & the fever responds to Tylenol he will be fine. The day after our first visit he developed a nasty looking rash on his trunk. We went back the next day & she said the rash was most likely from the MMR vaccine he received & that it was a “good” rash. She said his ear was reinfected & put him on a different antibiotic & sent us home.

Yesterday I noticed the rash had spread to his face, legs & hands. He was fever free all day until bedtime (101.1°F). He sounded wheezy & super congested, more than he has been. My stethoscope is at work so I wasn’t able to listen to his lungs. I gave him Tylenol & Benadryl like the pediatrician suggested, put him to bed & told myself if he had a fever in the morning I would take him straight to the ER.
This morning he woke up & his rash was worse & bright red. His temperature was 102.9°F. He had his milk & we headed to the ER. They did blood work, tested his urine, did a chest x-ray & gave him a bolus of fluids. Everything came back NORMAL. Thank GOD.
The doctor said his inflammation markers were elevated but not enough to admit him & if he got worse, of course bring him back in. Doc said he thinks Michael was unfortunate to contract multiple viruses either back to back or at the same time causing his fever to rise & to break out in a rash.
Honestly, I don’t believe it. He didn’t get TRULY sick until after his 12 month vaccines. I had a mama gut feeling before his 12 month checkup & I wasn’t going to let them administer the shots, but last minute I said okay & now I regret it every second.

If you know me you know I’ve always been SUPER pro-vax, but now I’m not so sure. COVID-19 & the vaccine crap going on has opened my eyes tremendously & now I will research and *question* EVERY. SINGLE. THING.
I ordered a heavy metal detox spray for me, Chris & Michael. If you want the link, let me know I’ll send it over to ya! I’m also going to start giving Michael detox baths. A sweet, sweet fellow mama I met on Facebook & @_lizgarvey_ has given me SO much info on this subject & if you’d like me to share it with you as well just send me a message ♥️

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