Malabsorption Issues After Vaccination: Connor’s Story
I have known so many parents whose children stopped growing, gaining weight, thriving, and meeting milestones after getting the CDC recommended vaccines.
This problem is so ubiquitous, it’s become normalized. And doctors, the experts everyone says to listen to, often “don’t know why it happens.”
Vaccine injuries aren’t just seizures or asthma or autism, they can be feeding issues, malabsorption issues, or growing issues.
This is a mother who shared her struggle, and learned how to listen to her intuition. So many mothers are in this situation, and as a mother confronting their doctor, it’s a tough spot to be in.
Mothers out there, please listen to your gut. You may not have a medical degree, you may not be a scientist, but you know your baby. You know that they were making eye contact, cooing, growing, and thriving, and you know what happened next.
Don’t let them gaslight you.
Don’t let them talk you out of your lived experience.
Keep researching until you are solid.
Shared from his mama, updates and link at the end of this post.
“Get vaccines they said. It’ll be fine. They said. If you don’t you’re a sh*t mom. They said. My child got vaccines and they’re fine. They said. I had vaccines and I’m fine. They said. Nothing will happen they said. If you don’t you’ll have dfs called on you, they said.
Guess what! It’s about time i came forward and shared my story.
You can call me a sh-t mom I don’t care. My son almost DIED! We spent 3 and a half to 4 months in the f—g hospital with him! While he was dying because he couldn’t absorb nutrients. Due to guess what. Yep. His f—g Vaccines.
I knew something wasn’t right. With how much they push vaccines on you from the moment you’re born. I felt in my gut that I didn’t want to get him vaccines but because I was being bombarded and bashed and made to look like the sh—st parent in the world because I didn’t want to… I did… I got him vaccinated. Because everyone said “it’s the right thing to do” and ” if you don’t you put me in danger ” blah blah f—g blah.
It started at his 2 months check up. The DR cut me off when I was asking about spreading them out etc… and practically forced me to give him vaccines. All of them. At once. Because “there’s no such thing as spreading them out” and “we don’t do that here. ” and ” there’s no such thing as single vile”… so got his shots went home. He slept almost all day. Started acting weird. Wasn’t looking at us or smiling… then the fever came (the fever lasted for 2 weeks!!!). And he was throwing up. Called the DR “he must’ve caught something else. “
Something else?!?! What else.?!
He was perfectly healthy and happy!!!!
After the fever came the rash. My poor baby boy was screaming crying. Trying to pull his skin off. Called the dr “that’s not normal but it must be something else. It can’t possibly be from vaccines.”
Yeahhhh okayyyy
Fast forward to 4 months. Basically got cut off again. Nurse came in getting his shots ready wouldn’t even let me speak. “You’re okay with this right mommas everything’s gunna be fine right momma. We’re all good here right” with a creepy ass smile on her face..
He was 9 lbs. Before these shots. She stuck him. Sent us home. Same things happened. Messaged the dr “no it’s not from vaccines he’s fine. It’s normal” bubba still wasn’t making eye contact. Didn’t even look at me. Didn’t want to be consoled nothing. He just cried. Constantly…
He wasn’t the baby boy I brought home….
We had a WIC appointment the very next day first thing in the morning. He had lost 3 lbs! He was down to almost 6! Just from overnight!
This time the fever had gotten up to almost 103! The dr said it was fine and normal!?!
WIC was concerned and sent us back to the dr. Who then sent me…. ME. To a nutritional person to check my breast milk!!!!
He was 8 lbs. Gained 1 so 9 lbs after a feeding. I spent 3 hours there feeding him. Pumping etc. Every time. He would gain but then he’d lose it again. She checked my milk.
It was the healthiest she’d ever seen. She said it wasn’t me. Waited and DR checked him again. He had lost again down to 6 lbs again. She sent me direct to the dr who weighed him. He had gone down to 5 lbs in just an hr from the trip. He sent me back to nutritionalist who sent me back to him who sent me back to her… it went on for days… then bubba lost more. She sent me back to the Dr. The Dr immediately sent us to the ER at Mercy hospital.
The E.R did tests. Asked me questions etc…
I tried telling them it started right after his 2 months vaccines. They brushed it off. So many times! Saying it wasn’t possible. Not a chance. There’s no way. Etc. etc.
I was told they were going to test for CF. . . I asked what that was. CF is cystic fibrosis. Which is genetic. And either me or Cory would’ve had to have it. Which neither of us did and I told them this. But they did the test anyways. The first test was positive. But it was botched the dude wasn’t wearing gloves. . The second test was negative because the lady actually wore gloves. Mind you we’d spent a month and a half in the hospital already. The 3rd test. Was the guy who didn’t wear gloves again… it was indecisive.
Monday.. I again brought up vaccines. They said again there was no way. But they hesitated this time. At least one person did. It looked like she had something to say but didn’t. So they continue to test for CF.
Fast forward to Friday. By this time I had stayed up for a whole week. Absolutely little to no sleep. They were continuing to get negative CF tests. But we’re trying hard for some reason to get a positive because they absolutely didn’t want to conclude it was from vaccines!!!!
I ended up falling asleep at 1 a.m. that night because I wanted to take a nap. I had asked the nurse to wake me in 30 minutes because it was close to bubbas feeding time. She said okay… she never came in. Never woke me. So bubba missed one feeding. And he lost weight again (but I think it was due to the absolute huge poo he had taken. He had the biggest blow out I’d ever seen) after feeding him and changing his diaper I was sitting there cuddling him and falling back asleep it was 10 a.m. when Dr Nabaah decided he was going to come in after the nurse already scolded me and about made me cry for missing bubbas feeding. And he decided to scold me even more. He went…
“So I heard something happened last night”
I apologized saying I was just so tired. I mean I had stayed up for like 2 weeks straight pretty much.
He went “look this is how it works.” As he came over and took Connor out of my hands and put him back in the crib.”You’re going to feed your son because if you don’t he won’t grow. His brain won’t develop properly and he’ll be stupid. He won’t have the brain power to do even simple tasks. He needs to gain weight and you cannot miss a feeding! If he does not gain weight I will tell you right now you will not be going home with this baby. Okay. Goodbye” and he left me.
My world was crashing around me…
All that… over one feeding?!?! That the nurse was supposed to wake me for but never did!?!
Was that a threat?! Did he just threaten me!?
I don’t know. I just sat there crying. My husband walked in right when that evil wicked man left and saw me in tears. And he was about to beat the bloody hell out of everyone.
Fast forward to Monday. They continue to do those stupid CF tests. Every one has come out negative and they’re sitting there puzzled going “we don’t know” we’re going to have to let you guys out. We’ll be sending you to a different hospital but it’s 3 hrs away. They specialize in CF. It’s the St Louis Children’s Hospital!
We don’t know! That’s a good one. Maybe because my child DOES NOT HAVE CF?! Did you think about that?!
Cory left to go get food. My sister in law shows up and brings bubba a cute teddy bear and then… a DR comes in asking if they’d talked to me yet. They…?. Who’s they?! He says oh sorry I guess not and leaves…
Then while me and Leanne Lindsay are having a nice conversation and playing with bubba…
CPS shows up. With cops.
I couldn’t believe it…
Dr Nabaah had called the child protective service on me! Saying I was not feeding my son!!!! I. Was. Livid!!!! Beyond pissed off. All I ever did was feed my baby boy! And took care of him! He was my world!!!!
Dfs informed me that I was going to have an open case of abuse and neglect on me until they could close it.
Fast forward to Wed. Connor just turned 5 months. We’re in St Louis. Connors being hooked up to machines they’re explaining CF to me which by this point I’m annoyed and rolling my eyes. Cause I’ve already heard it. And because I know it’s not CF! We stay there for weeks while tests come out negative. Dfs checking on us etc. The DRS all going they don’t know what’s going on.
A week later. I’m arguing with one Dr almost screaming at him because he won’t listen, when a small female lady Dr walks in and goes “um excuse me.” In a quiet voice…. ” I overheard a bit and well was wondering if I could do some tests maybe… ” she said with a smile. So I replied of course please do! She asked me questions. When did it start. How long. Etc. etc. All the right ones! I told her everything.
Fast forward a week from then, the test she did had come back.
Malabsorption issues in his gut due to vaccines.
Turns out Connor’s bilirubin was off and his metabolism was shot up high.
She said yes that vaccines can cause this but she wouldn’t know which ones for him as there are several that can cause this same reaction.
She helped us come up with a feeding plan to slow down his metabolism. And fix his bilirubin.. sort of like… like a diet. She told me to continue to detox him with the baths etc. They also checked his heart which his PFO closed but the hole is still there. So they are now watching his heart instead of his weight to see if he’ll need surgery.
But she said I was right to follow my gut feelings. And no more vaccines.
A little funny tho …
Fast forward a month dfs comes to the house. Everything’s all good. Lady “I don’t even know why I was called you guys obviously take care of him and he has plenty food. Let’s close this case” me. Same lady sammmeee. Lol
Let me tell you something….
Until you spend 4 months holding your baby boy constantly feeding him trying to get him to gain something! Anything! just so that he doesn’t die!!!! Because he is losing weight so fast and he’s gotten so weak and none of the drs are listening to you. And poking and prodding him and even feeling your boobs to make sure that’s all good!!!?! And your fighting with them to make sure your baby don’t die!!!!
You have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT! TO JUDGE! ANYONE FOR NOT VACCINATING THEIR F—G CHILD!!!! EVER!!!! I don’t give two f–s yow high and mighty you may think you are! You don’t know what other people have been through. Until you put yourself in another’s shoes and have gone through what they’ve been through! Watching your baby be poked and prodded and blood practically drained from him/her every hour! I don’t want to see any other posts bashing mothers for not vaccinating calling them sh*t mom’s or coercing them or Anything else!!!
My baby boy would be dead right now if it wasn’t for that ONE Dr out of the 20!!!
1st Pic is from him in the hospital. 2nd and so on is now. You can Clearly see the difference!
And I’m not saying don’t vaccinate. That is your choice. What I’m saying is HOW DARE you go and make another mother feel like absolute Crap and tell her her child still needs to be vaccinated even after going through all this! If anyone is shit it’s you for doing this to another mother! Or father for that matter!
Feel free to share if you agree. I don’t care anymore. What I care is that my baby is happy and healthy now. And he’s not getting anymore vaccines! Idgaf what you say. Edit to add that Connor was 4 lbs when we finally left the hospitals. Two weeks before Christmas. When we got to Florida he was back up to 9 lbs. And now he’s almost 20/21 lbs! <3
Edit: As of Today: 02/19/21 !– For those keeping up with my son and his story! <3 😀
Update: Feb 9 2021
“So update on our son Connor. We finally got him into a pediatrician who will work with us! She has been soooo helpful!
As most of you know bubby was injured by his vaccines. And suffered quite a few months. Almost died on us etc. Lost so much weight.
Well he’s made a complete turn around since we were kicked from his ex pediatricians building. (Not allowed to go back or be treated there. At all) for not allowing him to be vaccinated anymore.
He’s gained a BUNCH of weight back that he had lost. We’ve been detoxing. He’s in therapy. Both psychical and speech therapies. They want to add him to occupational therapy as well as he has quite a few sensory issues going on. So we’ll discuss that at his next first steps meeting.
He’s finally just started signing “more” to us when he wants more food. Next sign will be drink… since he can’t speak. It was confirmed by his new pediatrician that he does in fact have BOTH a tongue and a major lip tie. That needs to be fixed.
It’s also finally officially been confirmed that he has BOTH MTHFR gene mutation factors !!!! So he can now officially be medically exempt from any vaccines!!!! As that plays a major role in reactions to them! It’s sad that his other doctor refused to test him for it and ignored us and our concerns. And technically now we could sue him for sure for medical malpractice. . But we aren’t going pursue that for now… unless he tries to pull something else… then we’ll be throwing everything we’ve got at him.
For now he can deal with other parents who probably won’t be as lenient as us. Oh well… for now we’re focusing on bubby and helping him heal. We’re going to have to change everything around. His diet. Cleaning materials. Everything…. As he’s prone to metal toxicity with these genes.
We’re going to have to go fully all natural with alot… slowly but surely he’s improving and I pray that he continues! You all have no idea how relieved we are to finally have some answers!!! And since the genes are inherited from parent and he’s got both that means our little girl will have them to.
So at least we now know how to avoid another long hospital visits and reactions! And for those who doubted and name called and picked on me and my child and tortured us saying we were idiots and saying that you hoped he got taken by dfs and all that. Saying were doing him wrong….
All I can say is I told you… and I pray for your soul that you aren’t that ignorant in the future. . . Thanks to this Dr for helping us and to my very close friend Tiffany Cable for recommendation to her! And helping us as well! We are so grateful! I will continue to provide updates when I can. Please continue to pray for our bubby and for this new baby girl when she’s born! much love!
Edit to say: you all can absolutely share if you want! Everyone that’s followed us and our journey and has been there for us are more than welcome to! We need to get the word out and these DR’S need to REQUIRE these tests be done before even considering giving the vaccines to these poor innocent children! So please share share share! And test test test! My son has BOTH genes. Not just the one. So that explains why his reactions were worse than ” normal ” but there’s kids out there dying from these vaccs because of reactions like what my son had… when it could’ve been avoided!
Shared from his mama, Shiane Lindsay.