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Maddie Paralyzed In Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Trial As Pfizer Requests EUA Authorization

Now that Pfizer is applying to the FDA for EUA approval for 12-15 year old adolescents, it’s probably a good time to go over some of the adverse reactions that happened in the trial.

Oh wait, they didn’t release any.

All we know is the Pfizer trial enrolled 2,260 adolescents 12 to 15 years of age in the United States. There are a little over 1,000 adolescents in each group: placebo group (n=1,129) versus none in the vaccinated group (n=1,131).

Studying this small a group, there is no way to extrapolate the types of injuries that would happen when vaccinating million of adolescents.

They know this. I know this–Do you know this?

Even still, one 12-year-old paralyzed out of 1,131 vaccinated is not good odds.

Maddie, a 12-year-old girl who was participating in a COVID vaccine trial in Cincinnati, Ohio became very ill shortly after the second dose of the vaccine she received January 20th.

She has had months of hospitalizations, seen specialists, had MRIs, endoscopies, ultrasounds, etc. She is currently paralyzed from the waist down, unable to keep food down, has lost 15 pounds in a month, has tremors in her arms, has up to 20 blackouts a day, chronic urinary retention, severe pain, has no leg movement and cannot feel from her hips down, nor walk.

She has been diagnosed with Functional neurological disorder, which is a medical condition where there is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body sends and/or receives signals.

Watch this video by Whatsherface, who spoke with a family member, on what happened to Maddie:

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