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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Kyla Jalisa Hynes Dies Suddenly Just a Few Days After 2nd COVID Shot

Canadian Kyla Jalisa Hynes was only 26 years old. She was healthy. There is no reason why a healthy, young person should die just a few days after getting a vaccine. It begs the very pertinent question: could the vaccine be the culprit?

Here’s What We Do Know:

Kyla got the second dose of the COVID vaccine on July 19th. She felt sick afterwards, according to public posts from her family and her own social media post.

Then to the shock of everyone, especially her loved ones, she died suddenly and unexpectedly July 23rd.

According to a post her father made, doctors think it was a brain bleed. She isn’t the only one this has happened to.

Sara Stickles, 28, died of a fatal stroke just 5 days after the COVID vaccine.

Haley Link Brinkmeyer, 28, died just days after the COVID vaccine.

Anne VanGeest, 35, died of a brain blood clot just a little over a week after the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine.

There are so many more, in the United Kingdom, in Italy, all over Europe, dying shortly after these COVID vaccines, and the media is not covering these stories.

Not only are the CDC and FDA not taking these injuries seriously, they aren’t studying them (at least publicly announcing that they are studying them), they aren’t pausing these vaccines, they aren’t issuing warnings, they aren’t preventing these deaths.

What will it take? When will people realize that all vaccines are capable of causing death. This isn’t propaganda, I’m not being sensational. This is the truth. These are the facts.

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