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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Health News, Vaccines

It’s Not a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated: It’s a Pandemic of the ‘Untreated’

Have you seen the recent rash of headlines that shows an unvaccinated person having regret for not getting the vaccine on their deathbed? They keep coming every week to fearmonger people into getting vaccinated.

They don’t tell you 74% of cases in a Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated, and of 5 patients hospitalized for COVID-19, that 4 of them were fully vaccinated.

They don’t tell you that from May to July 25, that 25% of cases in Los Angeles were among fully vaccinated people, and another 3% were partially vaccinated.

They don’t tell you HOW MANY people are actually in the hospital by vaccine status.

They don’t tell you about all the breakthrough COVID deaths, and definitely don’t tell you about the vaccine injuries that are accruing.

  • Father of 5 texted his wife was he wished he was vaccinated and now he’s dead….
  • He tweeted about refusing the shot, and now he’s dead….
  • He believed COVID was a hoax and now he’s dead…


Have You Seen Those??

It’s total propaganda.

These very dramatic headlines are stories scavenger hunted on websites like GoFundMe, by shameless journalists whose main purpose is coercion and fear porn.

It’s not science based. Not medicine based. Also not journalism.

I’m sure it works for some people….

People don’t die because of their beliefs, or because they are vaccine hesitant.

There is no ICD code for thoughts, feelings or world views. Quit making it personal, quit acting like it’s not the medical community’s fault people are developing secondary bacterial infections while on ventilators, or why obese people with COVID are being turned away by multiple ERs, told to go home and wait it out, until one finally admits them, at which point it’s too late.

People are dying because they weren’t effectively treated.

Or treated too late, or they had significant comorbidities like obesity, or for many of them, they acquired a nosocomial infection (hospital acquired infection).

People are dying from medical malpractice, or medical mismanagement. They are dying from therapeutic nihilism. And it’s all political. It’s all about only promoting one option, and censoring the rest.

We’ve had nurse whistleblowers for over a year saying people are being killed by neglect or overmedication once finally in ICUs of paralytics and opioids since April 2020.

This is what the COVID ICU protocol looks like, as of June 2020. Seeings how so many people continue to die on ventilators, I don’t think much has changed.

This is what makes me angry about all of this.

Throughout this whole pandemic there has been a total therapeutic nihilism, as cardiologist and vice chairman of medicine at Baylor University Medical Center Peter McCullough has said.

People are literally being told to go home and come back when they can’t breathe.

They aren’t prescribed anything. They aren’t even told to take vitamins or do simple things that have been shown to improve outcomes.

They aren’t prescribed Ivermectin, or Hydroxychloroquine.

They aren’t given Baricitinib, or any of the other medications that have throughout this pandemic shown to work, shown to reduce viral load, shown to curb the cytokine storm, shown to reduce hospitalization rates, reduce need for ventilation, and REDUCE DEATH.

Why are people only given 1 option:

  • an option that can fail
  • that can wane
  • that enables you to spread the virus
  • that can cause severe, including fatal, side effects
  • that you can still catch COVID and die


So what really happened to the Vegas father of 5 who died of COVID?

Michael Freedy was a father of 5 from Las Vegas who went on a vacation with his family to San Diego for a few days. He got badly sunburned, and even developed some blisters.

He called in sick for work, and when he started getting flu-like symptoms (which can happen after a burn) he went to the ER.

ER#1: He goes to the Er and tries to get some help/relief. The doctor pretty much dismissed him.

ER #2: Finally he goes to a different Er on Monday and the test him for covid. He’s positive. They send him home, more or less with a pat on the head and tell him to hydrate, isolate and it’ll be fine.” 

Jessica, the fiance got tested, she’s negative.


Mike is absolutely miserable. He is beside himself with how much everything hurts and how scared he is. He winds up waking me up at around 3 am to tell me he can’t breathe and is dizzy and when he tries to stand he starts to fall over. I rush him to another Er and they admit him immediately. They tell me I can’t stay. His blood oxygen is at 72, they told him they are surprised he was even able to walk and talk. They do scans on him and find he has pneumonia in both of his lungs. He’s placed on the highest level of oxygen their hospital can do.

By the end of the day, they said he needed more than they could give and needed to move him to a different campus. He’s still not able to sleep or rest at all. He’s barely texting me back. They tell me I can bring him some stuff if I want to but that I can’t go in to see him. I take him some chargers, his ipad, clothes and deodorant since he asked for it. Now they have him on two machines giving him oxygen and alternating with a full mask.

At the hospital things go downhill fast. According to Jessica:

They tell us he can’t have any sleep aids because they need him awake to monitor his lungs. I understand that, but I also know he needs to rest. 

They move him on to a bpap machine to force his lungs to open more.

The nurse told me Mike was stable, but that they were having a doctor come to evaluate him later and that they were probably going to recommend intubation and sedation.

Then Jessica got the worst phone call update ever:

The nurse told me to contact next of kin and to take all of his belongings home with me.

They said he fought the sedation, that they had to use a paralytic. He was strapped down to stop him from fighting. His number were showing a bit of improvement from when they said he had to be intubated. They only let me stay for a few minutes and then rushed me out.

The next morning, I’m pulling into the parking lot and the infectious disease doctor calls me to ask me about treatments and tell me how bad mikes numbers are. I asked if he had anything positive to tell me and he flat out said no. Once inside, I had to wait to be cleared through since he was in isolation. When I got to his room, the nurse was nice. He explained a lot to me. I commented that mikes O2 numbers were in the 70s the day before in the morning and the machines had brought him up the 80s and now they were in the 90s. That seems like an improvement. He said yes it is, but it’s artificial. The machines are doing everything for him right now. And I’m like, well that’s what they are supposed to do, right? I’ll take that as a small win and something to hold on to.

I went in this morning, his numbers are the same, the nurse said his kidney function is slightly better than yesterday, but that he has no other improvement and he still has a low grade fever being maintained with a cooling blanket. They were able to get his feeding tube in while I was there.

Michael Freedy died on, from ventilation.

Anywhere from 40% to 80% of people will die on ventilation. If they don’t die right away, they develop secondary bacterial infections from the equipment and die, as did this young man, Stephen Harmon, who did not die because he was anti-vax, which is not a cause of death, but he died from bacterial pneumonia with COVID.

Ventilator-associated pneumonias are a major cause of hospital-acquired morbidity and mortality.

Both of these people should have survived COVID, if they were just given a chance. If they were given any of these medications, I believe they would have survived. Again this isn’t personal. This is based on science.

Ok. So What To Do If You Get COVID?

I put together this natural protocol almost a year ago now which has a lot of great supplements. But there have been lots of new treatments coming out and many of them are showing good results. There is no reason for people to suffer so miserably and go to the ICU’s which are failing patients.

They are not churning out good outcomes, so insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results right? Why put all your hope and trust in a system that is failing?

America’s Frontline Doctors

Reach out to America’s Frontline Doctors, they can prescribe you medications and send them to your front door. People have gotten meds in less than 3 days.

My Free Doctor is a similar site, offering to prescribe at no cost, or just the cost of the medications themselves, which are not expensive since they are not under patent.

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

This website has a list of doctors who prescribe Ivermectin.

Medications That Treat COVID


A clinical trial showed that the arthritis drug, baricitinib, in addition to standard care significantly reduced the likelihood of death from any cause by 38%. 


The anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin is no longer under patent, which is probably why they aren’t promoting it. It’s broad spectrum, has many applications, and has been shown to greatly reduce viral replication, viral load, reduce pulmonary involvement, and reduce mortality.

There are tons of studies and clinical trials showing effectiveness for both COVID prophylaxis and treatment. Again, it’s not under patent. No one will profit So when money is the main concern, that’s why this isn’t offered to people.


This drug HCQ has also been in use for decades and is safe to use for COVID. Many of these medications are effective in conjunction with other medications, such as Zinc and Azythromycin. Also tons of studies and clinical trials showing its effectiveness.


NAC, or N-acetyl cysteine is an amino acid that increases glutathione levels, which supports respiratory health and detoxification in the liver and kidneys. It can be taken to prevent secondary bacterial infection and prevent illnesses from turning into bronchitis or pneumonia (which is the major complication from respiratory viruses that can lead to death). This is CRUCIAL to have on hand and is safe for kiddos (reduce the dose for children).

Dose: 600 mg. 2x/day for adults

The Zelenko Protocol

Dr. Zelenko has been treating COVID in an outpatient setting with great success, using triple therapy: early treatment with zinc, low dose hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin (the triple therapy).

According to his pre-print:

The odds of hospitalization of treated patients were 84% less than in the untreated group. One patient (0.7%) died in the treatment group versus 13 patients (3.5%) in the untreated group (odds ratio 0.2, 95% CI 0.03-1.5; p=0.16). There were no cardiac side effects.

Conclusions: Risk stratification-based treatment of COVID-19 outpatients as early as possible after symptom onset with the used triple therapy, including the combination of zinc with low dose hydroxychloroquine, was associated with significantly less hospitalizations and 5 times less all-cause deaths.

There is hope. There are treatments available.

There has been treatments available this WHOLE TIME.

Your news, your media, has been censoring it.

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