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Interview With An Unvaccinated, Homeschooled Teenager

Every now and then I get the honor to chat back and forth with individuals who have unique perspectives or insight–there are so many amazing people in this community!

This time I received a comment from a 17-year-old homeschooled, unvaccinated teenager and I knew I needed to share her comment, but also wanted to find out a little more. (Names have been changed)

Kalea: I’m not a nurse or a doctor, I’m just a 17 yr old homeschool student and I’m so glad to see all the people on your story who understand the danger of vaccines and in blindly trusting Big Pharma. It gives me faith in humanity to see other people standing for truth and condemning the lies of those who would see the world in chaos.

I’m proud to say I have never been vaccinated (my mom stopped vaccinating us when my older brother got elephantiasis from a vaccine and almost died. He was a baby at the time) and would NEVER take ANY vaccine, ESPECIALLY not the covid vaccine. I’d much rather be mildly ill for a few days than to inject something into my body that could have life altering consequences.

Circle of Mamas: That’s so awesome to hear! I’m glad she stopped vaccinating but I’m so sorry that must have been so scary. Did she ever report it to VAERS, or did she pursue a claim in vaccine court? Did your bother have encephalitis?

K: His tongue swelled up in his throat and they had to operate and shorten his tongue. I don’t think she ever reported it. It wasn’t until a little while later that she realized the cause.

C: Oh ok. I hadn’t heard of elephantiasis before so that’s why I was checking to see if spell check intervened in that one.

K: I wasn’t totally sure how to spell it.

C: I guess elephantiasis of the tongue is a thing! I honestly never heard of it before. But it’s caused by blockage of the lymphatic system which I can see a vaccine doing! Crazy.

So he had surgery on it? Is he ok now?

K: He doesn’t have any long term issues and he’s 21 now.

C: What is it like being an unvaccinated 17 year old? Any health issues? Have you ever had any of the illnesses people vaccinate for? Would you be ok with me making this an anonymous interview for my website?

K: Sure! If I can help pro-vaccine people see the truth then it would be worth it!

I don’t have any health issues and the only illness that I’ve had that people would vaccinate for was chicken pox when I was 9. It is kinda ironic to me when I meet people who are the same age and have been vaccinated because the majority of them have asthma, hormonal issues etc.

Actually, when I think about it the last time I was sick was January last year and I’m pretty certain it was covid(one of my siblings brought it home from work and five of us got it. I have 12 people in my family all living at home) what leads me to think this is the co-worked that we got it from got tested (pre-covid testing) to see what it was and the doctors had no clue, also all the symptoms matched up.

Which just helps to strengthen my belief that covid has always been around, just never in the spotlight.

C: We had a bad cold in February too.

So in your family of the people who aren’t vaccinated, anyone have any chronic health issues?

How do you feel about being unvaccinated? Have you had any clashes with friends or any difficulty associated with it?

K: One of my sisters have PCOS but other than that no.

I feel great about being unvaccinated! When I was younger I used to feel left out but I’m glad now that I see the consequences of misused science. Honestly I find myself very lucky that I have not lost any friends or family over this topic as it can be a bit of a sensitive issue for many people.

C: That’s so great! How would you describe your diet?

Do you guys eat pretty healthy or are you health conscious about other things in life?

K: We are VERY health conscious. Around 2015 we switched to the paleo diet which then morphed to ketogenic in 2018 when mom started having glucose issues (diabetes is very strong in my family). None of us are overweight/underweight or have eating disorders. Outside of diet we have eliminated all harsh chemicals from the house(laundry is done with all natural detergents and for general cleaning we use vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, essential oils, boiled water .etc) and we are working on eliminating plastics as well.

C: Wow so amazing! What a wonderful model of healthy living to grow up with. Ok two more questions!

What is your favorite subject in school, or thing you learned so far? And what are your plans for after you graduate?

K: I think my favorite subject was probably Korean. But my favorite thing I’ve learned is probably wildcrafting/foraging/mushrooming which is very much a lost art in today’s society.

C: That is so interesting! And it totally is. I just listened to a podcast a week ago or so on the Wise Traditions podcast about foraging. He was describing that you can forage anywhere, even cities. Do you practice foraging, too?

K: I just saw that I forgot to answer your question about graduation sorry about that. After I graduate I plan to be a stay at home mother because I don’t like the idea of a job that just goes to further someone else’s wellbeing and would rather spend my life doing something meaningful. I do practice foraging but at this point it’s more of a hobby than a need for survival.

C: You can be a lot of things AND a stay at home mother. I felt like that too, I didn’t want to work for someone else. I was an art major, and have a BFA in drawing and painting and an MFA in painting/visual art. And in a weird way, that all prepared me for this moment. I was a children’s art teacher for a long time, before I started my family, and then I stayed home and dove head into this world of informed choice and medical freedom.

Enriching yourself is everything, because it spills out and is shared with everyone.

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