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Interview With A Former Pro-Vax Nurse

I recently messaged back and forth with this nurse, and her story was so amazing and important, it needs to be shared:

Circle of Mamas: So many nurses are contacting me right now about flu shots, and some of them are pregnant.

Nurse: It makes me so sad to hear about them forcing these vaccines on people and much less pregnant people. I must admit, my head was in my ass prior to covid but my eyes are wide now and I can’t unsee the things I have seen.

C: Omg hugs. So were you pro most Vaccines?

N: 100%

C: What changed your mind? Or how did that happen?

N: I have a few friends who are anti vax, some because they have always felt that way and others due to injuries. They always post things and although I was always pro, I respect everyone’s choices. We are all just trying to do the best for our families. However, just as we started to hear about covid my son was due for his 2 month shots (our babies don’t get hep b at birth here) so first set and something inside me told me it wasn’t right. My gut wouldn’t stop shouting at me. I also have an older child (fully vaxxed) so it was weird for me to feel this way. I reached out to some other nurse friends of mine and they all gave me the “you know how important these are and the risk you are taking by not doing them”. I cowardly went to his well baby appt and against my better judgment let them poke my precious boy. After I left there I was overcome with guilt. I immediately reached out to the people who posted info against them. They asked me why I was pro. I literally had no answer.

N: It was all I knew. So they told me to look up ingredients and read inserts. I was absolutely shocked. I couldn’t believe the garbage I had put in my own body and my children’s. My son is 10 months now and hasn’t gotten any more and I will never poke my daughter again.

N: Then to go on and read about the corruption, the lack of proper testing, placebos, lack of accountability. No. Just no. Never again:)

C: Such an amazing story. It’s amazing to me how right our intuition is. And I’m so glad you are where you are now.

N: Me too! Recently a friend came over and told me she needed to ask my opinion on something as a nurse. She has had a couple abnormal paps and they wanted her to get the Gardasil shot. I was able to send her enough information that she declined and has thanked me about a thousand times

C: Omg you are doing what we wish every nurse was doing. Giving people true informed consent. You will help so many people.

N: Right? It’s a scary line to walk when the college can so easily revoke your license if they do not approve of what you are doing but I can’t in good conscience just sit back and allow this to happen. I have administered these to small babies and I feel SICK about it. I didn’t know. But now I do. Know better, do better

C: I know, well so many have. Everyone in the medical community starts as a pro. And then something happens, something wakes them up. It requires a certain openness to really see what’s going on. You have to be able to see beyond what you’ve been taught and I imagine it’s hard.

N: It truly is. I am at a place where the thought of going back makes me sad because everything I knew about my profession is based on corruption and lies. I became a nurse because I love helping people and instead I was perpetuating their agenda and greed. It’s a hard pill to swallow.

C: We need a complete overhaul of the health care system, and that is one thing this pandemic really brought forth that I hope people are thinking about. More and more nurses need to know they’re not alone in thinking this way! And it’s so amazing as just a mom to know that nurses think and feel this way.

N: I completely agree. I feel really alone somedays but it’s so nice to see the things you post on your page and the responses you get from likeminded HCPs.

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