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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories

Infantile Spasms in a Fragile Infant Post Vaccination: Sophia’s Story

Shared from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“At her OB’s recommendation, Sophia’s mom Kristen took DTaP and Flu shots during pregnancy. At 24 weeks, her doctors told Kristen that her male twin had a fatal brain condition that required her to terminate his pregnancy. The procedure triggered premature labor and Kristen delivered Sophia at 27 weeks weighing 2 lbs 6 oz.

Sophia spent her first 64 days in NCU. An MRI suggested that she suffered a minor brain injury called PVL (Periventricular Leukomalacia). The doctors assured Kristen that the condition would resolve. Despite her fragility, Sophia was engaged, alert, and responsive, making eye contact, smiling, laughing, and cooing.

Sophia received a Hepatitis B shot on discharge, and 7 more vaccines at five-weeks. Her doctors blamed colic or acid reflux for her inconsolable crying. Two months later, four additional doses left her fussy, sweating profusely, with difficulty breathing, and high-pitched screaming. Her eyes rolled back and her face looked panicked.

A third round of jabs in March triggered seizures and left Sophia unresponsive, staring blankly, with one eye deviating left. Sophia’s Pediatrician said that the vaccines were blameless and refused to report to VAERS. After her ten-month Hep B, Sophia’s seizures morphed into sharp jerking movements, heart arrhythmia, and long periods of staring into space.

“We lost her. She was still Sophia on the outside

but an empty shell.”

Doctors diagnosed Infantile Spasms, dismissing them as “normal”. The vaccines were “safe”.

At 6 months she got the Hep A and 3 months later the DPT – ACEL and MMR. Since then, Sophia has been wheelchair bound, blind, non-verbal, and dependent on 24-hour care.

Sophia has been vaccine free for the past 4 years. She is improving as her body heals and detoxes. Her two siblings are unvaccinated and healthy. “I trusted the doctors”, says Kristen sadly.

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