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How mRNA Vaccines Work: Conversations With Dr. Thomas Cowan

Dr. Tomas Cowan, author of The Contagion Myth, has released this super interesting video explaining how mRNA vaccines work.

One of the interesting questions he tackles is:

Can mRNA Vaccines Enter a Person’s DNA?

While most will say no, there’s no possible way. Dr. Cowan points out that if an enzyme called reverse transcriptase is present, that this could actually happen.

HIV virus is one of those viruses that is considered a retro virus, because it contains the enzyme reverse transcriptase, and reverses itself and incorporates itself into the human genome. There are many retroviruses. And the enzyme may be in human cells already. Some cancers and leukemias are caused by retroviruses.

Many viruses over the millennia have incorporated into the human genome, for example our human placenta is because of a virus millions of years ago.

[Dr. Tom Cowan’s mRNA video was removed by youtube. So I’m going to add this one.]

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