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Hospitals Are Full of Vaccinated People? Unvaccinated People? Which Is It?

The US media and now the President are once again spitting out lies to the general public who sincerely believe what they say.

Ever since the AP Press article came out a month ago alleging that ‘nearly everyone who dies of COVID is unvaccinated,’ I wanted to address this issue.

Because I know that there is no way they could know that, because the CDC doesn’t even know that. The article very quietly acknowledges the CDC doesn’t know this:

“The CDC itself has not estimated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths are in fully vaccinated people, citing limitations in the data.”

But most people don’t read that carefully. And most people believe what they read, or fill in the gaps of information that isn’t known or presented. They read the headline, it reaffirms their belief, and they move on.

They don’t tell you 74% of cases in a Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated, and of 5 patients hospitalized for COVID-19, that 4 of them were fully vaccinated.

They don’t tell you that from May to July 25, that 25% of cases in Los Angeles were among fully vaccinated people, and another 3% were partially vaccinated.

They don’t tell you that several recent studies found that pediatric hospitalizations for COVID-19 may have been “overcounted” by 40%–a distinction between being hospitalized for other reasons but testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, and actually being hospitalized for COVID-19. Because routine testing at admission has been creating an inaccurate picture, as many of the children who had an incidental positive were asymptomatic or mildly infected, but counted as a COVID hospitalization.

The Claim: 99% of those hospitalized with COVID are unvaccinated.

Is this true? Can we verify this?

Levi Quackenboss did a great breakdown here debunking that COVID deaths are only happening in the unvaccinated.

And I would wager to say that unvaccinated is not the most significant variable here, as many of these unvaccinated people with comorbidities who do die from COVID have a medical history that includes being turned away from multiple ERs, not given early treatment like Ivermectin which greatly reduces both viral load and replication, and reduces odds of hospitalization and death by over 80%, and developing nosocomial bacterial infections that ultimately kills them.

Fully vaccinated people are still getting COVID and dying of COVID, so it really behooves us to learn how to treat COVID, and how to prevent death, rather than pretending like there’s only one option for everyone, and that if people don’t take that one option, they deserve to die or something. Which they don’t.

First let’s cover some terminology issues…

The Term “Unvaccinated” Is Used Loosely

The media is being disingenuous. When they write “unvaccinated” this deceitfully includes people who have had:

  • No doses of any COVID vaccine
  • Persons who have had 1 dose of a 2-dose COVID vaccine
  • Persons who have had 2 doses of a 2-dose vaccine but under 14 days after the second dose
  • Persons who have unknown vaccine status


All of these scenarios are considered “unvaccinated.”

A person is considered fully vaccinated beyond 2 weeks after their second dose. Every other scenario is considered “unvaccinated.”

It would be great to know how many people test positive after the first dose, before the second dose, as some studies have shown the first dose either offers no protection or even increases their susceptibility to infection.

CDC Not Tracking Vaccine Status Of Cases / All Hospitalizations

The CDC stopped tracking COVID “breakthrough” cases back in May, which is where a vaccinated person gets the disease the vaccine is supposed to prevent.

The infection “breaks through” the vaccine, which didn’t work. …Oh they will say it worked. They will double down and say it lessens the severity of the disease. Unless you die. But they will say it could have been worse!

Side Note: The case fatality rate is the same whether you are vaccinated or not.

The CDC relies on reporting from local health departments, however, many local health departments aren’t tracking it either. Some nurse whistleblowers are saying they aren’t even testing people if they’re fully vaccinated.

As of August 9, 2021, according to the CDC, 8,054 COVID “breakthrough” cases that resulted in hospitalization or death have been reported to the CDC, of those 20%, or 1,587 were deaths.

Very few public health departments are tracking how many people with a COVID-related admission are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and fully unvaccinated. Look at your local health department and see if they are breaking it down by vaccine specific status. And don’t be fooled when they say “Not Fully Vaccinated”. That means they could have 1 dose, or even 2 doses.

Here is one county health department doing it right (and they will probably change this now and stop reporting it accurately):

Washtenaw County, Michigan

Based on 488 hospitalizations with confirmed and probable COVID-19 from March 2021 to August 2021, 13% of total patients had been vaccinated with either 1 or 2 doses.

The gap between any-vaccines and unvaccinated is narrowing in recent months with the vaccinated making up 26% of hospitalizations in July, and 31% of total hospitalizations in August thus far.

Click here for the interactive graph.

So right now for August, 5 COVID related hospitalizations are either fully vaccinated, or partially vaccinated, while 11 COVID related hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

This means again, for the people in back, 31% of COVID hospitalizations are in vaccinated people.

This is a far cry from what CNN, ABC, NBC, are reporting.


It’s increasingly difficult to find vaccine status of those hospitalized with COVID. But most of the people in hospitals right now, and in ICU’s right now, don’t have COVID, which brings me to my next point.

Los Angeles

According to recent report by the CDC, over 25% of all infections from May to July in Los Angeles were fully vaccinated. This would be higher today, as the vaccines wane.

Check Weekly Hospital Trends Yourself

Johns Hopkins has this handy interactive graph breakdown of weekly hospitalization trends by US and by State. This won’t break down how many people are vaccinated, but at least it gives you an idea that COVID is not bringing down the hospital system.

The majority of patients in the hospital and in the ICU wards are NON COVID related. So my question is, what are they in for? And were they recently vaccinated?

Australia, Israel and UK Seeing High Majority of Cases and Hospitalizations in the Vaccinated

All these countries are reporting hospitalizations so differently than the US. Are the vaccines that much more effective within the United States border? Or is the media just that different? Don’t know. But many other countries are seeing all or most of their COVID cases in vaccinated people.

Out of Sydney, Australia:

In the UK:

In Singapore:

In Israel:

“Most of the population is vaccinated, and 90%… 85%-90% of the hospitalizations here are ‘Fully vaccinated’ people.”

Dr. Haviv claims the infections mean the vaccines’ “effectiveness” is fading, possibly setting up a scenario where booster shots emerge as a necessary treatment.

Let’s Ask The Nurses: Nurse Whistleblowers

Health care workers and nurses are starting to speak out more and more. These are the whistleblowers we need to settle this thing once and for all. Are they paying attention? Are you?


Nurse Nicole Whitley gives her full credentials and explains so much in this video. She covers topics from treatments, to how to check hospitalization rates, to what hospitals have looked like this whole time.

Nurse Erin blew the whistle back in April 2020 and shared her story of what she saw in ground zero in the epicenter of the COVID outbreak in NYC.

This is what she saw before a vaccine was out. But we need more nurses to step forward. Please tell us what you are seeing…

More VAERS Reports This Year Than ALL Years Combined

We have such a blindspot when it comes to vaccine injuries. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of non-COVID hospitalizations aren’t somehow connected to the vaccines. If you don’t know what VAERS is, or how to perform your own search of the data, now is the time to learn.

Don’t rely on the media to tell you the truth, because if anything, they are being paid to lie to you, to maintain an illusion, to sell more vaccines.

Cover image is of Natallia Clancy who experienced a severe reaction to the Pfizer vaccine.

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