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Herbs To Facilitate Miscarriage

Guest post: @redpillrevv

Just as women have a choice in how they give birth to their live babies, women also have a choice in how they give birth to their deceased babies. Pregnancy loss can be such an intimate, emotional time. It should be be respected however the mother chooses!

A lot of people do not realize that the MC process IS giving birth – the fetus passes through the cervix in the same manner. Contractions are involved. Oxytocin is released. It IS “giving birth.”

I myself have miscarried three times – once, I used Misoprostol (NEVER AGAIN!) to expedite the process. The other two times, I used herbs to facilitate the natural process. Totally different experiences!

Miscarriage is SUCH a common occurrence – they say 1 in 4 women will experience an MC. I believe this number to be much higher when chemical pregnancy is factored in. Given this prevalence, you’d think there would be an abundance of literature on natural ways to facilitate MCs, right?

But alas, there is not. It’s almost taboo to discuss! But, I’ll be that person. Especially if it means I can help another woman to preserve her bodily autonomy and informed consent.

The medical industry 100% profits off of MCs via medication management, D&Cs, “follow up HCG level appointments”, etc. Rarely are natural methods encouraged to help facilitate things along.

Let me be clear – Herbs have been used for centuries for this sort of thing. Not only that, but we do not have to subject our bodies to the medical community after a great loss.(Emergency situations are obviously different- that’s not what this post is about.)

You have natural choices- you do not have to go the D&C or medication route if you do not want to!! (D&Cs are RARELY warranted btw, but are offered for almost every MC, regardless of the duration of the pregnancy.)


Many of these herbs can also be used for “at home abortions”- that is not the purpose of this post‼ Do not use ANY herbs to facilitate MC unless you are 10000000% certain the pregnancy is no longer viable – this can be confirmed via an ultrasound. You do not want to cause irreparable harm to a viable pregnancy. Please also note that this is NOT a complete list!

Disclaimer: All information from this post is meant for educational & informational purposes only. Products and information are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Viewers are advised to do their own research and consult with their “healthcare provider” if they feel necessary.

Editors Note:

Every medication, vaccine, herb, medical procedure, and medical device has REAL RISKS: it is your responsibility to assess the pros and cons of each before you consent to something. It’s YOUR body. It’s YOUR decision. 

The most common medication abortion regimen in the United States involves the use of two different medications: mifepristone (Mifeprex) and misoprostol (Cytotec)

Just because it’s a pharmaceutical doesn’t mean it’s safe. Both medications have been associated with severe side effects, including maternal death.

The following herbs are known to help facilitate the expulsion of diagnosed miscarriages from the body:

Cotton Root Bark

“Cotton root bark is the equivalent of ergot (and ergot-based drugs, like pitocin) in its ability to jump-start uterine contractions, but much more dependable and far safer. Sips of the decoction or a dropperful of the tincture, taken frequently, bring on the menses, bring on a miscarriage, bring on labor, bring on birth, bring on the placenta, and help during menopause. It is especially helpful in improving uterine tone. Fullness and heaviness in the pelvis are strong indications for the use of cotton root.

Even though it is an emmenogogue, cotton root successfully checks hemorrhage after childbirth, during menopause, and menstrually. It also alleviates pain and flooding, especially for women with fibroids or endometriosis.

In fact, about 90 percent of women with endometriosis will respond favorably to cotton root, but many of them will lose their period for the 6-12 months of treatment.” ( — I used this for my Missed Miscarriage in tincture form.

Black and Blue Cohosh

“Blue cohosh, scientifically called Cauloophyllum thalictroides, is a member of the berberidaceae, or barberry, group. It grows abundantly in North America, specifically in between the boundaries of Manitoba and Oklahoma. Black cohosh, also known as black snakeroot or fairy candle, belongs to the Ranunculaceae, or buttercup, family.

Its scientific name is Cimicifuga racemosa. Like its counterpart, it can be found across North America. Both plants were discovered and utilized by Native Americans for medicinal purposes, even before English settlers occupied the continent.

Although they are both intended specifically for women, their functions and effects vary. Black cohosh is considered an anti-spasmodic. This means that it can ease cramps caused by pre-menstrual syndrome, hot flashes during menopause, and other effects of hormonal imbalance. It does this by inhibiting the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH).

It also evens out hormonal fluctuations by balancing estrogen production. Other ailments that can be addressed by this herb are kidney troubles, hypercholesterolemia, coughs, sore throat, and depression. Like black cohosh, blue cohosh is intended for treating conditions specifically related to hormonal imbalances. It can alleviate abdominal cramps and help in the treatment of cervical dysplasia, chlamydia, and endometriosis.

Moreover, is regarded as a uterine tonic; this means that it is beneficial to the uterus, especially during pregnancy.

In the case of abortion or miscarriage, blue cohosh can expedite the recovery of uterine tissues. Other than being a remedy, it is also an abortive herb. This is because of a contained substance called Caulosaponin that can induce uterus contractions.

High doses of Vitamin C

“When used in large quantities, vitamin C can even result in the loss of your fetus. “Historically, vitamin C was used in excessive amounts as an abortifacient,” notes Monica McHenry Svets, MD, an ob-gyn at Cleveland Clinic. In studies relating to the influence of vitamin C on preeclampsia risk, a secondary outcome of increased risk for preterm premature rupture of the membranes (when the sac or amniotic membrane surrounding your baby breaks before 37 weeks of pregnancy) was found, she adds.” (


The herb parsley has a lot of Vitamin C, and works in the same manner as Vitamin C, though it’s not as effective in facilitating the expulsion of a miscarriage from the body.


“Cinnamon has properties which makes it a natural substance that causes a miscarriage and also, is helpful in stopping the pain associated with the act. When taken in the right amounts, it stimulates the uterine wall. However, if you cook it in food and then have it, it loses its properties which help induce the miscarriage.” (


May cause uterine contractions (

Beth Root

A uterine stimulant and stomach irritant (

Dong Quai

May cause uterine contractions (


May cause uterine stimulation (


Uterine stimulant (

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