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Four-Year-Old Argentinian Boy Who Was Face of Vaccination Campaign Has Died

Santino Godoy Blanco was a four year old Argentinian child whose image was used for a well publicized vaccine campaign in ads and posters throughout Argentina. The campaign, which was promoting an additional free and mandatory mmr shot and polio shot for children ages 13 months to 4 years–began October 1, 2022 and was planned to end November 13, 2022.

Sadly, little Santino Godoy Blanco didn’t even make it that long: He died last week despite being seen by several physicians and nurses. Final cause of death was determined by autopsy to be “bilateral pneumonia.” But his symptoms were largely dismissed by the medical staff.

In response to his widely publicized death, the vaccine campaign was discontinued early.

In a perfect world, a vaccinated child would be the one who lived–if vaccines worked the way people think they should. Why, then, would little Santino die? He was just vaccinated. He was promoting vaccines. Why would he die of pneumonia, when he clearly has a mother who took him multiple times to get help, they have superior health seeking behavior–why would he be so sick–and not be able to recover from– pneumonia?

Did the vaccines he received weeks before render him weaker and more susceptible to infection? Were his post-vaccine symptoms, including high fever and vomiting, adverse reactions to the vaccines?

Gratuitas y obligatorias ….free and mandatory.

Last week, Santino had been feeling “unwell” with a high fever, and his mother brought him to the municipal hospital where he was diagnosed with laryngitis, and sent home. Then he began vomiting, was weak and stopped eating, and they returned later that day and he was diagnosed with gastroenterocolitis.

However, he didn’t improve and returned to the medical center one more time the next day. This time he died before anyone could save him.

His grandfather said in an interview:

“In a day and a half, we lost him. Three or four pediatricians and none detected anything unusual,” he complained.

According to the grandfather, the hospital also did not want an autopsy performed.

The hospital workers kept disregarding Santino’s condition as “viral” and kept sending him home. Could there have been some other cause of this “viral” illness? Is there a reason why the pediatricians who saw Santino didn’t run a battery of tests? According to his mother, they only checked his urine for a UTI, and did not listen to his lungs.

The boy’s mother has filed a malpractice case against the hospital where he died.

Vaccine Campaign Mandatory

“Activa Vacunas” the ads read, which translates to ‘active vaccines.’ The campaign was to promote “an additional, free and mandatory dose of two vaccines: triple viral (measles, rubella and mumps) and IPV (polio).”

Did Santino get the triple ‘viral’ vaccine, the MMR, and the polio vaccine prior to this unexpected health decline?

Could the MMR vaccine and polio vaccine cause any of the symptoms this sweet boy experienced? High fever? Vomiting? Feeling unwell, weak and then trouble breathing?

According to the MMR vaccine insert, every single symptom that Santino experienced is listed as an adverse reaction, and has occurred and can occur in the post-vaccination period.

The country added an additional (fourth) dose of the inactivated polio vaccine for children ages 13 months to 4 years of age. The first three doses are given at 2, 4, and 6 months, and then a fifth dose is given at 6 years. The country also added an additional dose of the MMR vaccine for this age group.

If Santino got his 4th dose of the polio vaccine and an additional dose of the live measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, could it have laid the ground work for an adverse reaction that included a range of symptoms that were difficult to diagnose? Laryngitis? Vomiting? High fever? Gastroenterocolitis? Fatal pneumonia?

Important questions:

  • Do vaccines have unintended consequences?
  • Do they promote other infections?
  • Do they render people more susceptible to infections, or even long term chronic conditions?
  • Are vaccine reactions not appropriately recognized by medical professionals?


Here is an ad with the now deceased Santino Godoy Blanco:

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3 thoughts on “Four-Year-Old Argentinian Boy Who Was Face of Vaccination Campaign Has Died

  1. Hospitals and medical ‘professionals’ are dictated to regarding what tests they ‘are allowed’ to do and diagnoses. Not only complicit in fraud but murder. To believe those involved have not seen the damage and deaths goes along with the wrong tests, diagnoses and treatments. Coming soon to a court nearer to you – first doctor just reported put to death for murder. Indonesia?

  2. “In response to his widely publicized death, the vaccine campaign was discontinued early”. This is not exact. The family asked his image to be taken away, but the campaign itself continued even longer than first announced.

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