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Follow The Money: Whoever Controls The Media, Controls The Mind

It was true then, and it’s true more than ever now.

Many people still don’t realize that what they read, when they read the news, is bias. It’s manufactured thought. They are reading pieces of information without context, without objectivity, without truth. It’s non-factual as best, and manipulation at worst.

Only 6 media giants control 90% of what we read, watch, or listen to. Beyond that when you independently look into various news sites, you see there is ALWAYS a relationship to Pharma.

Why wouldn’t there be? Aside from Pharma spending between $5 and $6 billion per year on direct-to-consumer advertising, they are one of the biggest investments an investment group can make, if not THE BIGGEST.

If you are power hungry, if you want money, then you are invested in Pharma.

For example, the New York Times’ majority shareholder is The Vanguard Group, which is majority shareholder of Merck & Co, as well as Pfizer, Moderna, Eli Lilly & Co, Microsoft Corp., Amgen, Biogen, Tesla, AstraZeneca, Novartis, etc.

As of 2020, Vanguard has more than $6.2 trillion in assets under management.

Vanguard’s top holdings are Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Tesla.

Pick the newspaper, look up its owner or shareholders, look up who they invest in. This is what they call: Follow the money.

How deceptive right? You think you are getting objective news. You think you are getting independent thought, but you’re not.

I can’t believe how many very intelligent people fall for this.

People who were rockers, punkers, artists, people who wanted to stick it to the man, who wanted to buck the trend and be different a free-thinker, and all they’re doing is being a good dog.

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