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COVID Vaccine Safety Doesn’t Exist Without a Control Group: Join the Movement

Today a social media campaign is connecting people of all perspectives and belief systems, throughout many platforms with one common message: We are the control.

We believe that vaccines can only be safe if they are studied properly, and that means, having a control group.

“It is deeply troubling that both Pfizer and Moderna, less than 6 months after beginning their clinical trials, unblinded their saline placebo group. These actions have ruined any hope of gleaning meaningful data re: long term safety and efficacy of this never-before-used mRNA technology.”

The joint effort between many health freedom advocates contains a message that is simple and powerful:

“Join the campaign as we call on the public to play a crucial role in the COVID-19 vaccine trials – The Control Group. Shortly after receiving Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), Pfizer and Moderna chose to unblind their placebo participants by  offering them the vaccine, citing ethical concerns. In doing so, they have obstructed the vaccine development process and diminished the potential to conduct long term studies to determine true long term safety and efficacy.

“In a scientific study, a control group is used to establish a cause-and-effect relationship by isolating the effect of an independent variable. Researchers change the independent variable in the treatment group and keep it constant in the control group. Then they compare the results of these groups.”

Without a true control group, vaccine makers do not have the data to draw meaningful conclusions about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines long term. As members of the public and believers in science, we are becoming the control group in order to ensure proper vaccine development and it’s true safety and efficacy.     

To participate in the campaign, post a picture of your face or family, and use one of the captions for your image below along with the hashtag #wearethecontrol.

Vaccine trial protocols cannot be compromised at the expense of individual health and safety. 

This campaign is SOLELY MEANT to provide awareness about the ethical questions surrounding unblinding placebo patients and the integrity of long term data and is NOT part of any clinical trial.”

Resources for further reading and sample captions at We Are The Control.

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