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COVID Vaccine and Babies

On April 29, the CDC came out with a new seroprevalence report, and it found that from December 2021–February 2022, over 75% of children ages 0-11 years old had been already infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. That means today, many months later, even more children will most definitely have caught and recovered from COVID-19, the vast majority of them–uneventfully.

So my question is: WHY would anyone in their right mind think the vaccine is necessary for this already highly immune population who is at the lowest risk of severe disease?

But sadly, people are still obsessed with COVID-19 vaccines for children, and even infants.

Booster authorized for 5-11 year olds

It seems unconscionable, but the FDA approved a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11 who like I pointed out many times, don’t need the vaccine.

Again over 75% already had antibodies to COVID as of February 2022. And technically speaking, children don’t even get COVID-19 the disease, and the vaccine doesn’t stop the virus.

What’s even more shocking is they only studied the booster (for efficacy and safety) in an astoundingly low 400 children.


From the press release:

“The safety of a single booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine in this age group was assessed in approximately 400 children who received a booster dose at least five months (range 5 to 9 months) after completing a two-dose primary series.”

Notice the FDA’s language in their press release for the booster for children ages 5 through 11 years:

“Vaccination continues to be the most effective way to prevent COVID-19 and its severe consequences, and it is safe.”

Kids aren’t at risk of the “disease” at all–and everyone will get the infection, aka the virus, regardless of vaccine status. The vaccine doesn’t stop infection. It’s amazing, but this is evidence of the FDA blatantly lying.

Out of several thousand children in the original clinical trial, there was no severe disease in either arm. Here is the official report of the 5-11 trial:

Also, there were NO CASES of severe COVID-19 out of over 2,000 children in the 12-15 trial.

When they write…cases of COVID-19, they mean an infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus–not clinical COVID-19 the disease (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

Very rarely would a child get COVID-19 the disease, and even then, vaccination doesn’t mitigate the risks for those who are at risk of severe disease, as was discovered in this CDC report, which showed that vaccinated adolescents were more likely to die than unvaccinated children once hospitalized.

That tween trial above is the same Pfizer trial that 12-year-old Maddie De Garay was enrolled in.

  • She’s still in a wheel chair
  • She still has a feeding tube
  • The CDC and FDA are ignoring her
  • Mainstream media are ignoring her



What is COVID like for unvaccinated kids?

Anecdote: We caught Rona in late January. My children had almost no symptoms: no fever, barely a cough. A slight, watery runny nose for a few days. One of my kids the only symptom was a few sneezes–and I’m not exaggerating. It was really that mild. We have had 3 colds since then which were all worse than THE COLD THAT SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AND WORLD.

Are my kids the exception? Or the rule?

Now, we are on the precipice of the COVID-19 vaccine being authorized for use in infants and toddlers 6 months to under 5 years of age . Again, a group that DOESN’T get the disease. Everyone will get the virus–regardless of vaccine status. BUT not everyone will get the disease–and definitely not this age group.

COVID Vaccines for Infants?

The FDA has set a June 15 meeting date to review data from the Pfizer and Moderna trial of infants and children from 6 months to under 5 years of age.

Both pharmaceutical companies have only made preliminary information public. Pfizer’s trial of the first two doses were not very effective, and so they added a third dose, which bumped up the efficacy to 80%, however the report doesn’t say the post vaccination interval, nor does it include information on how quickly the vaccine wanes. I am estimating around the 80% effective is at the 2 month mark, and every vaccine brand has been observed to continuously wane after that.

Moderna’s infant vaccine is a series of 2 doses, and was found to be 51% effective for children under 2, and 37% effective for kids ages 2 to under 5.

What Do We Know About the Pfizer Infant Trial?

  • 1,678 children under 5 years of age
  • Three doses of 3-µg dose
  • The first 2 doses produced an efficacy rate of 30%
  • Adding the 3rd dose bumped up to 80% at one moment in time (wanes after, everything does)
  • This demographic already has over 75% of immunity already
  • “favorable safety profile similar to placebo.”
  • Efficacy described from “10 symptomatic COVID-19 cases identified from seven days after the third dose and accrued as of April 29, 2022” roughly 2 months
  • “The majority of adverse events were mild or moderate.”

Here is the press release for Pfizer’s 6 months to under 5 years clinical trial.

Again, most children don’t even know they have the actual virus–it’s that mild.

Parents will literally do anything to protect their children, but even things that aren’t evidence based, aren’t common sense, and don’t stand up to clear and concise scrutiny. Fear can be overwhelming, but it’s no excuse to vaccinate.

The other night I laid in bed thinking about how my kids are unvaccinated, and for a moment I saw this feeling. I guess it was fear. Fear of the what ifs. I sat with it for a moment, and explored it from a distance. The thought that we can protect them from certain death is a no brainer. As parents, we want to remove every obstacle, and do everything in our power to protect them. It’s instinctual. If I could simply snip away every possibility of death with the simple click of a button or injection of some mystery liquid, it would be one less thing to worry about. I get it. I understand WHY people vaccinate their children. And I think it’s important we try to understand the why–But is it true? Does it work? Are they safe? Is it too good to be true? Are the diseases that there are vaccines for even a risk at this moment in time? Of course not. They haven’t been for a loooong time. And it’s not because of vaccines.

It’s a belief that vaccines will protect them, or prevent some sort of impending doom (even though they may not really be at risk for those things). It’s really just the modern version of a magic elixir. A magic potion. A fantastical miraculous ‘bandaid’ sealing up our uncontrollable feelings of ‘uncertainty.’ The vaccine myth allows a parent to close an imaginary door in our head (until we realize that the thing we just injected may be far more dangerous and that becomes its own pandoras box). Because, no injection of biological and chemical fluid protects or staves off a hypothetical death without leaving its own mark or fingerprint.

We as parents put blind trust into these white coated gods to inject a mixture of “life saving” ingredients into our children, often whom are too young to even handle solid foods, but we trust they can handle an injection of aluminum salts and food proteins, and animal tissue or aborted fetal cell DNA (potentially contaminated with hitchhiker viruses).

A vaccine has the power to change a child’s immune system, to simulate infection in such a purportedly mild way, to linger and stay long enough to prevent a hypothetical infection well into the future, and yet doesn’t have the power to cause any harm whatsoever?? Our complex system of immunity which never evolved with injections (other than injections being poisons, aka. bee & wasp sting, spider bites, tick bites, etc), just knows what to do now? And won’t make any mistakes?

I got into a debate once where someone said “vaccines don’t change your body” or something like that, and I countered with, “it’s DESIGNED to change your body.” If it doesn’t cause ANY CHANGE, it’s not going to work, or be effective. The things is, is this a controlled, predictable change, or does the body have its own secrets, mystery, accidents. I mean, isn’t auto-immunity an accident? A mistake? We can’t predict every change, or every adverse effect. And to deny they happen, only confirms the lack of self awareness in the medical community.

But honestly, doesn’t it just sound too good to be true?

The promises of science have often been hidden with explosive consequences. I have an entire ‘Science Is Unsettling’ series on this.

Right now I am reading Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, an unsettling account of how viruses and bacteria were engineered as bioweapons (by our government) which then launched an epidemic of illness (ignored by the medical community).

Next on my reading list is Love Canal: and the Birth of the Environmental Health Movement. I didn’t know much about Love Canal until last week when I delved into some podcasts on the subject, but it’s an eery reminder that chemicals are used regularly without regard for health, disposed of without regard for health, and linger and stay in the environment much longer after into the time ‘we should know better’, but that corporate and political interests will often ‘do nothing,’ and it’s often up to the people, up to the people whom are affected the most to bring about the change that needs to happen. It has to start and end with us, the consumers, the people, the humans who see the problem, and fight desperately for the solution.

Pfizer is doing what pharmaceutical companies do. They are for profit. Just like every other drug company, their goal is to make money. Their interests, are not now and not ever going to be ‘our interests’.

The FDA and CDC, on the other hand, are not drug companies, but rather the regulators of them. Or at least, that is what they are supposed to be doing.

The FDA’s mission is quite simple:

“The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.”

If only they actually protected us…

Disclaimer: I did not make this meme. But I decided to fact check it. Everything checked out except one fact: The CDC does not buy and distribute $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children Program—

It buys and sells $16.9 billion every year, based on this estimate of $406 billion in vaccines over a 24 year period from the CDC itself. This would be as of 2018 so any new jabs through this program would add to that.

On a good note, I want to share this amazing comment that came through in a Reddit forum where I shared a link to my website, specifically this page, which is a great one to share. Little things add up!


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One thought on “COVID Vaccine and Babies

  1. Hi, thanks for your work.
    how do you know that you caught “SARS-cov2”? PCR test?

    I only know 4 around me who got it (whatever that is, could be just flu) in the last 2 years. All of them have been fully jabbed.

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