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Chronic illness, infections, and toxicity

When we treat the body with natural “medicine” (nutrient-dense diet, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, herbs, vitamins, minerals, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, restful sleep, meditation, healthy relationships, clay, etc.) we are supporting the immune system and improving its function.

Through going this route, we are not only reducing the intake of harmful, toxic material, but we are increasing the capability and efficiency of our detoxification mechanisms. We are helping the body work the way it is intended to work.

On the other hand, when we attempt to manage or prevent symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs, antibiotics, and vaccines, we are attempting to “trick” or thwart natural biological and physiological processes, typically by shutting down the immune system’s warning signs.

Inflammation. Pain. Frequent infections…

These are all warning signs.

Signs that the immune system is working to try to remove damaged/toxic cells.
“Autoimmunity”? Is your immune system confused?


Your immune system is intelligently going after cells that are losing function due to increased intracellular toxicity.

Yes, this causes inflammation.

Inflammation causes pain.

If your lymphatic system, kidneys, or skin are unable to remove toxicity and cellular waste from the body, you will develop a chronic condition.

Pharmaceutical drugs may alleviate symptoms temporarily (obstructing the immune system from attempting to go after damaged cells) but will ultimately serve to accelerate organ/tissue degeneration and failure.

What about bacterial infections?

Pathogenic bacteria grows… where cells are toxic.

The more toxic metals you are exposed to, the more your gut microbiome is negatively impacted. You lose beneficial gut microbes as harmful strains gain a stronger foothold.
E. coli, Salmonella, Enterobacter, H. pylori, Legionella pneumophila…

An overgrowth of these can lead to a variety of acute and chronic infections.

Eczema, food intolerances, inflammatory bowel disease, pneumonia, sepsis…

Antibiotics may temporarily kill bad bacteria… while also killing off good bacteria. In turn, this makes your microbiome even more susceptible to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria/microbes in the future if you do not reduce your toxic body burden and promote an internal environment that welcomes beneficial microbes.

This is another reason why avoiding toxic exposures and improving the strength of your detoxification processes is so vital.

What about viral infections?

It is already known that vitamin C, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine – precursor to glutathione which is our major detoxifying antioxidant), zinc, vitamin A & D, and many other natural substances, improve our immune system defenses against viruses.

Why is this? What is it about having a strong immune system that is protective against viral infection?

Reduced toxic body burden via improved detoxification.

Like moths to a flame and mosquitoes to stagnant water, viruses are “drawn” to a toxic internal environment.

When the body is fighting a viral infection, you may experience a range of negative symptoms: Fatigue, body aches, mucus production and sinus congestion, fever, and oftentimes a rash.

When a person decides to do a juice fast or suddenly eat very clean, healthy food, one of the first things that may happen is they experience flu-like symptoms. Fatigue, body aches, mucus production and sinus congestion, and even fever or rash.

Or think about if you’re exposed to a high level of smoke or particulate air pollution. What happens? You cough! Your lungs begin to attempt to expel the harmful material you breathed into your lungs. Depending on the length of the exposure, you may be coughing up mucus for several days.

Here we have the same set of unpleasant symptoms being experienced, yet in the first example, these symptoms are viewed as negative. In the next two examples, these symptoms are acknowledged as a GOOD – they are a sign that the immune system is working to purge the toxic waste that has accumulated in the body.

The evidence shows that the more febrile infectious diseases you have as a child (infections that come with a fever), the lower your risk of cancer. Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox… if you’ve contracted these infections naturally (and were temporarily sick with unpleasant symptoms), you have a reduced risk of cancer. You also have a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and a reduced risk of Parkinson’s, etc.

Temporary viral infections are of BENEFIT to the overall health of the human body. I consider colds and flus a part of the immune system’s “maintenance program” of detoxification and purging of toxic waste, in order to prevent loss of cellular function and chronic illness. However, if you are well nourished enough, you will hardly ever experience these temporary infections because your detoxification mechanisms will be working so efficiently.

To prevent COMPLICATIONS of infection, we need to help our immune system do what it is trying to do. We must support its efforts via “natural medicine”!

Vaccines (which have been developed primarily for viral infections) attempt to prevent symptoms of infection through “tricking” the immune system, along with injecting the body with substances toxic enough to provoke an immune response (e.g. aluminum adjuvants).

Therefore, the unintended process of vaccination not only serves to prevent the purging of toxic waste, it presents an additional toxic exposure to the body.

…It is no wonder that the incidence of chronic, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune disease has risen so dramatically over the past few decades, considering how heavily vaccinated and medicated we are.

This is called Terrain Theory.

Germ Theory suggests that pathogens attack and infect with no regard to the health of the host, and is the source or cause of infectious disease. Yet we have known for decades now, that nutrition / host health makes an enormous impact on susceptibility and recovery from infectious pathogens.

Shared by toxicologist Ashley Everly, author and creator of Vaccine.Guide and Thinklovehealthy.

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