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Best Websites For COVID-19 Info Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

At a time when mainstream news is just doing ‘PR for Big Pharma’ and information is rapidly getting censored, bookmark this post for easy access to these great resources!

Guest post by C. Haislip.

Last year–2020–changed our world, and depending who you talk to, those changes were either good or bad.

I mean, there are a lot of things to know and keep track of about Covid-19: There’s the numbers, and the data, and then the opinions (of which every major news organization shares with no regard for whether it’s true or not).

So in all honesty, I can’t tell you everything about Covid-19, but I can tell you where to find information that hasn’t been fed through the media machine. Yes friends, there are still some reputable sites out there sharing facts and proven data.

Now I know it can be hard to break up with the news, it’s actually psychological. And yes, we know you are tired of hearing more about Covid-19 (even though you still check the news because it’s always changing!)

But there’s good news and bad news! The bad news? The clickbait fear makes a lot of money for the mainstream media and big tech, and they’ll continue to exploit this for profit as long as they can.

The good news? It’s that you’ve got this quick reference guide of websites and posts you’ll want to browse for important information on Covid-19! Finally! Legit information in an easy to understand format from multiple sources!

We’re talking about the government’s response, the treatment and prevention options and the vaccine products listed for use (the real truth, not the half truth!).

Best Websites To Get Covid-19 Info & Covid Vaccine Info

The Highwire

Supported by the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), The Highwire is a weekly news show hosted by Del Bigtree that covers a broad range of topics related to health and wellness and features interviews with leading experts around the world, including doctors, scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists, lawyers, journalists, activists, parents and more.

See the Top Covid-19 related HighWire Posts here.

Click here for TheHighwire and tune in every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. PST, or take some time and watch all their past episodes.

The Highwire often has breaking news or covers news in a very detailed way. Just today he alerted us to this important video by Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, an internationally recognized vaccine developer having worked as the head of the Vaccine Development Office at the German Centre for Infection Research. Watch it before it gets removed from YouTube!

Physicians for Informed Consent

This is a group of doctors, medical professionals, and concerned citizens that want clear information and informed consent regarding medical procedures. They are very vocal on social media, and have great reference material on their website.

Start Here with the Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccine Short Term Data Safety Sheet.

Children’s Health Defense

Dedicated to keeping children safe from environmental, accidental, and governmental disease, the Children’s Health Defense team spearheaded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is on top of what’s going on related to the new experimental vaccines. There are many great articles. We recommend you start with this one.

Read about how one-third of reported vaccine deaths happened within 48 hours of the shot.


VAERS is the reporting system for the US government to capture voluntary reports of vaccine injuries, also called “adverse events.” The flip side is a website titled OpenVAERS. This private website takes the raw information in the government VAERS database and converts it into visuals and easy to understand data!

Ready to see the adverse events from the Covid-19 vaccines?

Start here with the latest vaccine injury report visuals.

Click here if you want to learn more about VAERS and how to do a search!

Everly Report

Ashley Everly, famous for her 12 inch tall printable and website Vaccine.Guide, has started sharing more about vaccines on her new site, the Everly Report. While this site is a great read for everyone wondering about the origins of vaccines, it also talks about Covid-19.

Start here with this simple, yet detailed, guide for concerns about Covid-19 vaccinations.

Stay Up To Date With Injury Reports After Covid-19 Vaccines

Yes, people are dying within minutes of the shot. Not a covid diagnosis. Instead they are dying within minutes of receiving the covid 19 vaccines. Funny that they aren’t dropping dead in line waiting for the vaccine, but only after receiving the vaccination.

Two elderly people died within minutes of the shot.

A collection of sudden deaths after the vaccines.

Man involved in Johnson & Johnson trial dies after the Janssen vaccine.

A 28-year-old mother has fatal stroke 5 days after Covid-19 vaccine.

A Virginia grandmother dies a few hours after the vaccine, and the State of Virginia refused to perform an autopsy on her, forcing the family to pay out of pocket for it!

If you are on Instagram, this account has a LOT of reports of death or injuries from all over the world.

The McCullough Report

Dr. Peter McCullough is joined by experts in medicine, biotechnology, public health, and policy to bring critical information and insights to the listeners in a concise and understandable format.

I love listening to this podcast, he interviews experts, and always reads from the latest science.

Listen to his podcast everywhere, including here.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

A very outspoken and data driven doctor, Dr. Tenpenny regularly does interviews and commentary. Much of what Dr. Tenpenny has shared on youtube and social media has been removed, because she is full of hard data and scientific resources.

We recommend you start with this youtube video about the safety and efficacy of mask, but also pop over to Dr. Tenpenny’s Podcast for your downtime and commutes to listen to the latest she has covered!

Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.

Well known for her book, Your Baby, Your Way, award-winning science journalist Jennifer Margulis has some insightful posts about pandemic on her website (and she shares a lot on her facebook page too!)

Start here with this guide for beating a covid 19 infection naturally.

Dr. Mercola

There is a lot of information on this site, especially as it pertains to recover and side effects from covid 19. This site is behind an email paywall (but the paywall is free).

Start with this article about why the mRNA vaccines aren’t actually vaccines.

America’s Frontline Doctors

You might be familiar with America’s Frontline Doctors, but you also might not be. Their videos and press conferences have been scrubbed from social media and the internet alike, after garnering tens of millions of views no less.

Start here with their response to why lockdowns don’t work for covid 19.

Great Barrington Declaration

This is another site of doctors, medical professionals, and academics that protest the handling of the virus. They advocate for targeted protection, balance and natural herd immunity. This is a site to share with local and state officials.

Read the full declaration, signed by 55,000+ scientists and medical professionals, here.

The Epoch Times

While this is a news site, they are one of the only ones really reporting on the conditions inside of China, both when the Covid-19 started, and currently. Some articles can be taken with a grain of salt, but we are pleasantly surprised to see proper vaccine safety data listed, and correct information regarding VAERS and their death reports!

Start here with this post explaining the Covid-19 symptoms in china months before the official timeline.

Rational Ground

This is a collection of data scientists that created this site in 2020 to combat the data manipulation by big governments. They are currently pro-vaccine, but I would expect this to change if they follow the actual data (as they are currently doing with lockdowns and masks) . Cognitive dissonance can be strong, but do check out their data on lockdowns and masks!

Start here with this post, 9 months later and we still don’t know that masks work.

Visual Map of Vaccine Adverse Events

If you are looking for a map, with details, of the people injured by the Covid-19 vaccine experiments, look no further than this world map of adverse events. This is a strikingly sad, but a very important graphic that people in the public need to be aware of!

Check out the interactive map here.

Peter Doshi

This is a notable mention, as it’s not a website, but a breakdown from a senior editor at The BMJ (British Medical Journal) and assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. He is very pro vaccine scientist and has real and legitimate concerns over the efficacy and safety of the Covid-19 vaccines. That’s right friends, regular scientists are starting to get worried over the rushed safety protocols and trials. This is a must send to any of your science friends that believe that scientists agree with what the FDA and CDC are doing. (hint, they don’t, and they’re growing very concerned over this rushed process!)

Read the concerns with the 95% efficacy number touted for the Covid-19 vaccines.

My Free Doctor

Early treatment saves lives! You can get free doctor consultations, and get medications that have been proven to help.


Health Freedom for Humanity Podcast

Available everywhere that podcasts live, this podcast is a must listen to. Hosted by Alec Zeck, Dr. Tommy John and Dr. Jo Yi, the podcast discusses all aspects that address what health and medical freedoms are all about. From Big Tech, to Big Ag, to Big Pharm, to immune function and the deepest depths of the human psyche and soul. 

“Health Freedom for Humanity stands to protect and advance the most basic and inalienable of human rights, the right to medical freedom. We stand in opposition to any act, law, measure or constraint that threatens this right. With an unwavering commitment to integrity, we stand for humanity.”

They have done interviews with so many amazing guests: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Palevsky, Sayer Ji, and Dr. Christiane Northrup, to name a few.

Dr. Scott Jensen

This Minnesota State Senator and medical doctor has been sounding the alarm for months and months that the death statistics for Covid-19 just don’t add up. You can follow him on Twitter.

Or visit his website.

And here it is, this is what is required for a death to count as Covid-19:

That’s a Wrap

With new words like ‘misinformation’ and ‘vaccine hesitancy’ being thrown around, it is now more important than ever that you can back up your thoughts with data! These sites above can give you a starting point to unwinding the narratives around Covid-19, and should be saved so you can read them in your downtime (or just bookmark this article!). (I promise these sites will benefit you more than scrolling instagram and Netflix!)

As with everything shared online, it’s important you double check information, and this post is no different! Those sites shared above could change in the future–never stop looking for the truth regarding medical mandates and experiments.

If we missed a great website, please let us know or comment below!

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2 thoughts on “Best Websites For COVID-19 Info Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

  1. Thank you for your well written and helpful articles!

    I’m including a link to the front line critical care alliance; an invaluable resource for learning about early treatment and harmless effective prevention. These doctors have the training and hands on experience to give insight and wise advice. They are being censored but you can go directly to their website. They are courageous in risking their careers to help patients. Read, listen, stay out of the hospital!

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