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Baby Dies 34 Hours After Vaccines

In October 2022, Melissa, a registered nurse, brought her infant son to the pediatrician for a rash on his torso that wasn’t going away. The pediatrician diagnosed Sawyer, just 8 weeks old at the time, with a viral rash. Given some ointment for the rash, Melissa and her son Sawyer were sent on their way.

One week later on October 27, Melissa brought Sawyer back to the pediatrician; this time for the two-month “well-baby” check-up. Melissa asked the doctor if they should delay the recommended vaccinations typically given at the appointment because her baby still had a ‘viral rash’ on his torso. But the pediatrician brushed aside her concerns with a confident “no,” insisting it was perfectly safe to give Sawyer the vaccines.

Sawyer was given three injections and one oral vaccine against a total of eight diseases, which is standard for the 2 month check up.


Not long after the shots, Sawyer began screaming like he had never screamed before.

Many parents are familiar with this cry, known as the “DPT scream” in anti-vax circles…

The DPT Scream

The DPT scream is a high-pitched cry that lasts for several hours after a DPT vaccine injection, a vaccine they discontinued in the US and other developed nations in the mid-1990s due to its unacceptably high rate of adverse reactions. While not all infants given a DPT get the scream, nearly half of infants given a DPT had persistent crying. Prolonged, persistent crying was listed as a “precaution” on the vaccine insert against further doses of the DPT vaccine and many infants in the late 1980s and early 1990s were given a DT at subsequent visits due to this unsettling reaction.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, more and more families were refusing vaccination, or delaying vaccination. This led to low vaccine coverage, which finally compelled public health officials to phase out the DPT vaccine and replace it with the less reactogenic DTaP vaccine. The whole-cell DPT vaccine is still the vaccine of choice for many low-income countries today.


Melissa’s pediatrician had mentioned during the appointment to give her baby acetaminophen to help make him more comfortable and so that is what she did.

The next morning, on October 28, 2022, Sawyer was still fussy and uncomfortable so Melissa gave him another dose of Tylenol and fed him expressed breastmilk from a bottle.

Won’t Wake Up

Baby Sawyer was put down for a nap in his bassinet around 5:30 p.m. His father checked on him around 6:15 after they heard some fussing. He rubbed his back and baby Sawyer settled back into sleep.

Sawyer slept off and on for a few hours, and the last time Melissa went to check on him, he wasn’t moving or breathing.

Melissa picked him up and he was completely limp and lifeless. She screamed.

They immediately called 911. Emergency crews arrived but were unable to revive her baby and he was pronounced dead at 10:51 p.m.

Medical Examiner

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Mark Flomenbaum, determined that the cause of death was “asphyxiation due to inappropriate sleep position and environment.”

His report placed blame on the parents, citing “sub-optimal sleeping environment.”

Melissa faced questions as to whether she or her husband had hurt the baby, which is routine for unexplained infant death investigations. There are instances where parents do harm their infant.

However, foul play was not suspected. The pathology report noted the child was “well-developed” and had no signs of injury or bruising.

Whether or not the ME mentioned recent vaccinations in his report is unknown. Baby Sawyer’s death was ruled an accident, due to his sleeping circumstances and the case was closed.

Please note: Historically SIDS infants were more often in the prone sleeping position when discovered lifeless. They were less likely to be on their back than control infants, and more likely to be in unsafe sleeping environments (ie. sleeping tummy down on soft sofas, sleeping with intoxicated parents). Today, however, an infant who dies in the prone sleeping position is now routinely classified as Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation (ASSB) or asphyxia, whereas SIDS designations are now reserved for infants strictly in the supine position in a safe sleeping environment.

These same historical epidemiological SIDS studies that found a relationship between SIDS and prone sleeping position also found that vaccines were less common among SIDS cases than controls. If prone sleeping position isn’t associated with SIDS, (and a prone sleeping position now triggers a differential diagnoses) then the perceived lack of association between vaccines and SIDS is based on flawed historical data, and must be re-investigated.

Today, the vast majority of SIDS and SUIDS infants have begun vaccination programs. For SUDC, sudden unexplained death in childhood, 1 in 8 deaths had received a vaccine in the 2 weeks prior to death, which suggests a statistically significant association.

A Search For Answers

The devastated mom sought answers as to why her baby had died. She knew that the timing of the vaccines and the sudden passing of her baby was not merely a coincidence.

She thought that the viral infection, coupled with four vaccines her baby received, are what contributed to her infant’s death. But she wanted proof.

Melissa asked her Medical Examiner to perform additional pathology assays from a protocol that I also have here: Death After Vaccines Autopsy Protocol.

From her letter:

Infant Vaccines Autopsy Tests

·       CRP (C-reactive protein: if inflammation is high, that would indicate vaccines were to blame as a small infant or toddler could not generate such results) This would indicate severe brain inflammation.

·       Test for liver enzymes

·       Test for heavy metals, especially Hg and Al in blood and brain tissue

·       Test for formaldehyde and Formalin–in particular, which would come from vaccines. Even though the body manufactures a little formaldehyde, large amounts would implicate formaldehyde, or Formalin, especially in vaccines.

·       Test brain tissue for Hg and Al, which would indicate those metals crossed the blood brain barrier and may have been the precipitating factor in the child’s demise, as they are potent neurotoxins and can cause encephalopathy.

Cytokine panel:  

1.    Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) — IL-1beta is one of the key mediators of the inflammatory response to physical stress.

2.    Interleukin-6 (IL-6)

3.    Interleukin-8 (IL-8)

4.    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) TNF-α is a growth factor for immune cells and osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone.

5.    Fibrinogen

6.    Vitamin C assay

7.    Titer levels on all the vaccines. If they are sky high, that could make a case for molecular mimicry causing death.

Not surprisingly, the Medical Examiner did not oblige to Melissa’s request to perform additional tests. They provided some responses, which are included below. They mentioned that they don’t think “heavy metals” could contribute to death, as the amounts of metals would be small.

However, small is a relative term! Babies are small, too.

A Second Opinion

After months of connecting with other moms, including Tiffany Kreck from Health Choice Maine, Melissa was able to find a pathologist who would be willing to order additional testing.

Working with the fluid and tissue samples collected by the state medical examiner, the pathologist prepared a new report.

The aluminum concentration in the baby’s blood serum 95 micrograms per liter, which is considered approaching a toxic level of serum aluminum.

The safe range of aluminum in serum is <10 mcg / L. Baby Sawyers’s blood had over 9 times what is considered normal.

“This additional pathology report shows how much our medical examiners don’t know because they won’t look. How many other parents have been blamed for their infants’ death that were innocent?” Kreck said.

“These tests must be standard in all unexplained infant death.”

Toxicity of Aluminum

In a typical healthy person, the amount of aluminum in the blood is expected to be less than 10 micrograms per liter. That is the “safe” range.

Toxicity is stated to occur at concentrations of more than 100 micrograms per liter. The nervous system, which includes the brain, is a sensitive target for aluminum.

The compounding of Tylenol and viral infection may both play a role in increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier which could explain why some infants are more or less susceptible to aluminum toxicity.

For example, infants who died of SIDS were more likely to have a recent or current infection. In a case control study, 21% of the SIDS infants were in a health state that required medical attention in the 24 hours prior to death, compared to 7% of controls.

Evidence thus far suggests that sudden unexplained infant deaths are an immune mediated event, so both vaccination and infection may be together or separately contributory stressors.

Aluminum content has been shown to vary between different vaccines even in a single lot. For example, this study found that the aluminum adjuvant content of Pediarix doses varied from a low of 575 mcg to 743 mcg of aluminum. Prevnar13 varied from 127 mcg to 141 mcg of aluminum per dose.

Infection and vaccination enhance the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, rendering the central nervous system more vulnerable to aluminum adjuvant, whether it is in the blood bound to transferrin, or in the white blood cells.

A recent paper published in 2022 details the presence of inorganic nanoparticle entities in brain tissue samples from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)/sudden intrauterine unexplained death syndrome (SIUDS) cases, and noted:

“In SIDS samples, there was a certain enrichment of aluminum. Of note, the small sample size was the reason why the authors could not draw clear conclusions and stronger claims.”  

The paper concludes:

“Inorganic particles present in brain tissues demonstrate their ability to cross the hemato–encephalic barrier and to interact with tissues and cells in an unknown yet pathological fashion. This gives a rationale to consider them as cofactors of lethality.”

Whatever the specific mechanism of death is, deaths after vaccines like this need to be investigated fully, reported to VAERS, and never forgotten.

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