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Vaccine Injury Stories

Science Is Unsettling


Baby, Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories

Anaphylaxis After 12 Month Vaccines

Shared from his mama, Allison Serrao.

“In 2012, my 13 month old received his 1 year vaccinations. His body swelled, he couldn’t breathe and his face was unrecognizable. He developed strabismus in his eyes and became immediately allergic to dairy, gluten, eggs, and soy. I hoped we had seen the last of the long term effects until we noticed the headaches, eye straining, major sensitivities and developmental delays directly related to the multiple side effects he experienced from his vaccines.

We’ve spent months trying treat and reverse the long term effects, but how do you undo something that can’t be undone? I live with the guilt of my decision everyday. ⠀

8 years ago, I learned the hard way and in just one doctors visit, our lives changed forever. I am no longer silent about this, no longer scared of what people might think of me. Call it my 30s or call it some MAMA AINT Messin WHOOPASS, but I will not back down. ⠀

Some day when my children are asked why they aren’t vaccinated, my hope is that instead of being ridiculed, patronized, or discriminated against, that they are met with kindness, with compassion, with regard. My hope is that someone says to them, “We believe you.” I fight for that to be the norm, that their value and their rights not ever be doubted or questioned simply because they live without. ⠀

Vaccine mandates are sweeping the nation (and internationally) and they directly discriminate against children like mine. Tonight, I’m holding space for the mothers and the friends who’ve been told it was just a “coincidence,” and ridiculed for having questions. I believe you. WE believe you.

We believe you, because we vaccinated too. Because my child was also injured.⠀

We believe you. ⠀
We believe you. ⠀
We believe you.” ⠀

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