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Aluminum Injection vs. Ingestion

Guest Post: Whyser

Let’s dig into the myths about aluminum injection vs. ingestion. I’m sure you’ve heard some. Here’s one:

Dr. Paul Offit made this comment a few years back, published on CHOP website:

“While infants receive about 4.4 milligrams* of aluminum in the first six months of life from vaccines, they receive more than that in their diet. Breast-fed infants ingest about 7 milligrams, formula-fed infants ingest about 38 milligrams, and infants who are fed soy formula ingest almost 117 milligrams of aluminum during the first six months of life.”

The above statement is the most disingenuous comparison I’ve seen–where you equate oral exposure to injected exposure.

The gastrointestinal absorption of aluminum is 0.3%. So if you were to take that into account, then bioavailable aluminum from:

  • breastmilk = 0.021mg
  • formula = 0.114mg
  • soy formula = 0.351mg
  • vaccines = 4.4mg


Clearly, aluminum from vaccines contribute much more than any of those types of oral exposure.

In regards to toxicology, we only have information for Al3+ (because it’s for oral exposure), where the ATSDR has established MRL of 1mg/kg/day. So it would *seem* that we are well under the risk level when it comes to vaccines, but that’s only if you are assuming that we are dealing with aluminum ions, which is not the case with vaccines, because the form of aluminum we are dealing with is in particulate form, not ionic form.

So where are the studies that show that injected aluminum salts in particulate form are biopersistent and translocate to the brain?


Also, let’s not forget that the makers of aluminum adjuvants, Alhydrogel (Al(OH)3) and Adju-Phos (aluminum phosphate) have data sheets that also indicate the same thing, that aluminum is in particulate form and are uptaken by APC (antigen presenting cells)

Recap: The aluminum in vaccines IS NOT ELIMINATED the same way ingested Al is.

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