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28-Year-Old Mother Has Fatal Stroke 5 Days After COVID Vaccine

Update Feb. 18, 2021: It’s with a tremendously heavy heart that I relate that Sara Stickles has taken her last breath. She was surrounded by her family.

Her sister Jamie Lynn Cruz writes:

Last night at 5:36 pm Sara Stickles took her last breath. She had a massive stroke in her brainstem caused by AVM. We made sure she was comfortable and with family. I’m so sorry everyone there was nothing more we could do. My life is shattered 💔You are in a better place now baby sister. And you fought til your very last heartbeat. All donations will go toward funeral expenses and the remaining will go straight to her son BZ (Zachary John Gowman jr.) Thank you for all the prayers, and love for Sara.
She is our guardian angel now, I Love you so much😭

Update Feb. 16, 2021: The family is seeking a second opinion! Sara is showing signs of life, such as cough, tears and her heart rate fluctuates around her loved ones. The hospital is not letting her family to be by her side, we have to get her loved ones near her to help with her recovery. I am praying for a miracle, and I believe the body can heal itself. Please follow her story, we may need to do more for this family.

Click here to help support via GoFundMe.


Just five days after the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, perfectly healthy 28-year-old health care worker Sara Stickles had what appeared to be an aneurysm, and not expected to survive. My heart is completely broken for her family, especially her sweet little boy she leaves behind.

“Today around 1:45 she had what looks like a brain aneurysm and She’s in a very deep coma.” wrote her twin sister Kara Stickles.

The young mother, who is a health care worker and just began a position at Swedish American Hospital in Wisconsin, is on life support and the family has been told to say their good-byes. She leaves behind a young son, who is also diabetic.

The family has set up a GoFundMe to help cover the costs of the funeral, as well as help support her son.

It’s so sad and shocking that something like a vaccine could result in severe brain death. I pray for her family.

“On Sunday my twin sister Sara had a brain aneurysm burst and was flown to the UW Hospital of Madison for emergency treatment and care. The size of the aneurysm is 5mm. Right now the nurses and neurologists are working around the clock to save her life. We still don’t have a lot of answers on how this happened to her. Every minute counts at this moment. And so does every prayer. So please share this and please continue to pray pray pray for her. She’s the most beautiful and most incredible person you could ever meet. She’s a twin sister, a sister and a mother. Her son is diabetic and needs her here! We all do! I can’t lose my twin, she’s literally half of me! We love you Sara!”


“Feb 8 Update: Dr. Called, There going to preform Cerebral angiography tomorrow thru her groin all the way up to her brain to take pictures. There are not quite sure if it is an aneurysm or avm or a tumor or something else, so they have to do more research of her brain. She is stabilized. She will react to a pinch, but thats it, eyes are still not open. Subarachnoid hemmorage is what happened. (Bleeding in the space between the brain and the tissue covering the brain, is usually from a bulging blood vessel that bursts in the brain) The Dr. Is hopeful, he said she’s young, and healthy. I did inform him of her covid vaccine, and that she was sick and breaking out from it. He also said when she arrived she was in critical condition, now shes much much better. Her vitals are good.. The Cerebral angiography will take 4 hours and then The results will take another few.. ill probably get a call with an update tomorrow night. This is a process and she will fight and they will work hard to fix her. They said after the test tomorrow then we’re on to the next step to finding the answers. I am scared to death but very hopeful. I love you so so so much little sis. Keep fighting the good fight 💪

She’s the most beautiful and most incredible person you could ever meet. She’s a daughter, granddaughter, twin sister, a sister, mother, aunt, and friend. We love you Sara!”


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2 thoughts on “28-Year-Old Mother Has Fatal Stroke 5 Days After COVID Vaccine

  1. So sad. And what is worse is that our doctors are fully behind this horror. The entire medical establishment is utterly corrupt, and Covid proves it.

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