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21 Year Old Health Care Worker Describes Pfizer Vaccine Injury

Madeline Johnson is a 21 year old frontline worker who experienced a wide range of severe side effects after the second dose of her Pfizer vaccine. She has been in and out of the hospital, referred to specialists, had countless labs taken, nerve studies, a CT scan, an EMG, an EKG, 8 MRIs, a spinal tap, and more.

She was healthy before the vaccine. At only 21 years old, she is extremely low risk for COVID-19.

Because of her experience, Madeline started a website called Speak Your Truth. She is encouraging others to share their story, which is largely being censored and downplayed by social media and mainstream media alike. Reactions like this only “appear” to be rare, because victims are not allowed to share their story publicly.

Here is her story in her own words:

“My name is Madeline Johnson. I am a 21 year old senior at Chapman University. I am currently pursuing a career in the medical field to become a physician.

I was always such a go-getter, determined, and pretty busy between studying, being a college student, working in a hospital, helping run a floor for the program in my hospital, and more until my complications following the vaccine put a halt in all of this. I remember being on the hospital floor working when my hospital got its first few covid victims. While many were scared, I stood up and continued to aid those in need in the hospital throughout the duration of this pandemic. My experience as a health care worker allowed me to be identified as a frontliner who could receive the vaccine early.

I CHOSE the vaccine and did not have any persuasion from work, family, mom, or friends. I made my own, very adult decision about my OWN health. I got the vaccine in order to continue to work in the hospital and aid the doctors and nurses who needed the extra hands without fear of contracting the virus and possibly spreading it to others that are at higher risk, including near and dear family members of mine and friends as well. Of note, the vaccine is also now being mandated for my university attendance.

I got my first Pfizer shot in the beginning of February. Following the shot I did not have any crazy reactions besides fatigue, headaches, and the feeling of being on a boat similar to motion sickness. I did not think much of these symptoms since we were all told you may feel a little weird for 24 hours.

I received my second dose close to the end of February. Within 10 hours of my dose I began to have a fever and was shivering non-stop for the whole night until the morning. My fever started at 100 degrees and every hour it would increase by 1 degree, ultimately reaching 104 for the duration of the night. I had raging headaches laying down but they got worse when I would stand and walk around my room. The following day I had a 103 fever with another spike of a 104 degree fever and the similar symptoms of the previous night. For the next few days I had a fever that went between 100-102. I would say I was sick for approximately 6 days.” Click here to read more of her detail her reaction at Speak Your Truth.

Madeline’s mother, Mara Johnson shared July 11, 2021

“First I want to preface this post by saying this not an anti vax post.

This is a we need all the risks known post. This is a “the side affects are real post” this is a we are asking …no we are begging for help post. This set of videos are from recent Emergency Room Visit. She’s is not still in hospital.

My fun and bubbly 21 year old daughter has had her life flip upside down on her in a matter of a few months. Maddy was/is a frontline worker at a hospital during pandemic

Maddy received the 2nd dose of the last Pfizer vaccine the end of February. Ever since then she has been suffering from adverse effects. In April symptoms became strong enough to begin seeking medical help.

Maddy’s symptoms:

  • full body numbness
  • random paralysis of her toes, ankles, and knees
  • full body tremors
  • loss of all muscle strength in all limbs
  • loss of motor skills almost entirely
  • muscle spasms
  • breathing issues, and more.


Once we got the ball rolling doctors thought it was a stroke, MS, Brain tumor, or autoimmune diseases. She has gone through a 2 nerve studies, a CT scan, an EMG , an EKG, 8 MRIs, a spinal tap, blood panels on blood panels, 46+ blood tests, and more.

Maddy has been cleared of any chance of the 11 rheumatoid autoimmune disease she was flagged for which is a blessing. On paper and in her labs her health seem picture perfect, but that is not the case since she is suffering daily!

This is a video from a couple nights ago. The symptoms shifted and are now on both sides of her body. Each tremor is painful.

I should add. The tremors are not always this bad. They seem to be much worse at night

July 6: She Also has a new symptom where her fingertips feel like she has slivers of glass in them whenever she touches something

July 8: severe pain in throat upper abdomen and chest. July 9: swallowing is a chore and is level 9-10 pain. We have video back up July 11: severe joint pain and change in tremors in hands. The don’t have as much pain but are much more spasmodic. Also abdominal muscles are spasmodic.

Anyone else having similar symptoms. Please share. Any nuggets of info or insight might help us.”

Update time August 7, 2021:

It’s been nearly a month since we found treatment for Maddy. I now know the true meaning of a godsend. Dr. Mark Gahili is exactly that. He was the answer to all of our prayers.

Maddy is moving forward in her health every day, and is faced with constant reminders that there is a bit of a road ahead. But on the bright side the following update for all of you who are asking.


  • Tremors
  • Small motor skills (soo much better)
  • Random paralysis
  • Frozen joints
  • Glass shards in fingertips (when she touches things)
  • Brain fog is lifted
  • Random difficulty walking
  • nerve pain ( so much better)


  • all over body numbness (improved but not gone by any stretch)
  • extreme fatigue
  • extreme sensitivity to mosquito bites
  • sensitivity to certain foods
  • sensitivity to person care products
  • nausea when she’s feeling fatigue or exhaustion


If she does too much one day …she spends the next paying for it.

I now understand the “Spoon Theory… google it. It will truly help understand fatigue at this level.

I am still annoyed as hell the the vax is free and the treatments people need to find help are not covered by healthcare. Or not paid by BIG PH@RMA…. People are loosing their livelihoods because of their injuries. We are facing a mountain of debt. If you are able our go fund me is in my profile. Even if all you can do at this time is share that is incredibly helpful ❤️

Maddy is truly remarkable…constantly thinking about turning this expression into one of positivity and growth

We are constantly humbled by the love and prayers she receives every day. We are moved by global community that has rallied behind this issue. We are blessed and grateful.

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