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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

13-Year-Old Jacob Clynick Dies Less Than 3 Days After Pfizer Vaccine

Jacob Clynick was a healthy 13-year-old boy with no medical conditions prior to getting the COVID vaccine at a Walgreens. He did not have a prior COVID infection either.

He got the first dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine on May 23rd, and three weeks later, got the second dose on June 13th.

Less than three days later he was dead.

According to his aunt Tami Burages,

A week ago today my brother’s 13-year-old son had his 2nd covid shot. Less than 3 days later he died. The initial autopsy results (done Friday) were that his heart was enlarged and there was some fluid surrounding it. He had no known health problems. Was on no medications.

I got to my brother’s house while the forensic team was still there. A police officer present told me a member of the team speculated that Jacob had a “cardiac event.”

Jacob’s story is sadly just another incidence of sudden death after the COVID vaccines we have been witnessing since the FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization to the COVID vaccines in mid-December.

Under an Emergency Use Authorization, the FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products:

“To diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.”

Except COVID-19 is not “a life-threatening disease or condition” in children or teens at all.

This political misuse of the authorization is a detriment to our children.

This isn’t public health at all, this is literally putting the public at risk.

According to the CDC:

“789 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis have been reported after the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, most commonly after the second dose.” 

However, according to OPENVAERS data which just pulls data from VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, there are at least 1342 reports of adverse reactions that involve pericarditis / myocarditis, from all age groups.

COVID Vaccine Injuries:

There are many other stories documenting heart conditions in teens and sudden death in young people:

👉🏼 Heart Problems In Teens Following COVID Vaccines

👉🏼 Sudden Death in Young People After Vaccination

👉🏼 19-Year-Old Simone Scott Dies From Heart Failure After Moderna Vaccine

👉🏼 16-Year-Old Kamrynn Thomas Dies Suddenly Shortly After Pfizer Vaccination


Do Your Research:


👉🏼 Children Don’t Need COVID Vaccines


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