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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

12-Year-Old Collapses Minutes After COVID Shot

In his mother’s own words:

“It’s been 3 days now, of traumatic hell and regret.

I’m sharing this because I’m sick of the lies from our local health unit.

Here are the facts:

-My son is 12, he is healthy with no underlying health conditions. ( and wanted to get the vaccine before me to show me how it’s done, as he’s not nervous and had many vaccines and bloodwork done in the past)

– 60 seconds after his vaccine he dropped and was knocked unconscious for minutes. ( and now is suffering from a grade 3 concussion)

– We rushed to ER, and the nurses and doctors were more then amazing and no one once said why all this happend because NO ONE KNOWS, was it the vaccine or was it just a vasovagal attack, and what caused it? We don’t have answers yet. I don’t know if we ever will.

How is it ok for the health unit to be telling people in our local community that the vaccine had nothing to do with this. . How? Doctors don’t even know so what makes it ok for you to to lie and tell our community otherwise.

ITS NOT OK!!! So stop telling our community this is normal. This is NOT normal. Watching this happen to your child, being completely helpless. I don’t wish this upon anyone. And I hope no mother ever has to witness this happening to their child.

I’m not writing this post and sharing it to tell you it was or wasn’t the vaccine because I don’t even know. All I know is this is not normal, my son is not acting normal, and this is not ok.

Get your child the shot, don’t get your child the shot, thats completely your decision as a mother and I respect that. All I know is I regret mine.”

Shared from Portia Hoffman-Strang.

Here is a video with viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle, who has tourette’s syndrome, which is neurological, and proven to be causally related to vaccines.

I don’t know if he realizes this can be a vaccine injury.

Thimerosal exposure in vaccines was found related to tic disorder.


This is not the only teen experiencing these sudden onset health issues. There have been numerous reports of teens and young adults experiencing heart inflammation after the COVID vaccines, specifically myocarditis and pericarditis.

If you don’t know anything about what vaccines can do, please start with this COVID page.

And also, start here for the pediatric vaccines.

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