Heart Attack and Stroke After the Covid Vaccines
Around the world, countries are pushing pause on various batches of coronavirus vaccines after a rash of deaths and serious injuries in otherwise healthy, often young, people.
In Italy, 43-year-old navy officer Stefano Paterno died one day after a dose of AstraZeneca shot from a suspected heart attack, and Davide Villa, a 50-year-old policeman, fell ill within 24 hours of the dose, and was diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis, which later resulted in a brain haemorrhage.
They both received shots from AstraZeneca’s ABV2856 batch. In a reassuring move, Italy has recalled the batch.
Italy’s move came hours after Denmark and Norway announced they were temporarily suspending the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine shots after reports of the formation of blood clots in some who have been vaccinated.
Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia have also suspended some batches of vaccines.
In Hong Kong, the Department of Health said last week that an expert panel will probe into the case where a man had suffered from hemorrhagic stroke, six days after he received the Sinovac coronavirus vaccine.

The 74-year-old man was inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine on March 1 and fell ill with excessive fatigue. He was later diagnosed with having a hemorrhagic stroke after he sought medical attention at Tuen Mun Hospital on March 7.
Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, a gastroenterologist at Umberto I Hospital in Nocera Inferiore, died from a heart attack after a game of tennis, on January 24, 2021, after getting the vaccine. He was very fit and healthy.
In Portugal, a 41-year-old health worker Sonia Azevedo suddenly died just two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. The mother of two had no prior health conditions.
The autopsy has unveiled no connection to vaccine, yet also doesn’t know what caused her death, “without any reference to the cause of death.”
Covid Vaccine Reactions in the US?
In the United States, there have been numerous reports of sudden death, stroke, and other serious reactions with either the Moderna vaccine, Pfizer’s BioNTech, or Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine–but there is a different attitude regarding vaccine reactions in the United States than in every other country in the world.
In the United States, the media and health authorities alike move quickly to blatantly dismiss any possible connection to the vaccine–even before an autopsy has been performed.
Not that the autopsy will pick up anything of value, they’re overly basic, or even not performed at all, quite deliberately:
In Virginia, a public records request revealed that Drene Keyes’ autopsy (she died a few hours after the covid vaccine) may not have been performed to not spark concern over the vaccine, forcing the family to pay out of pocket for the autopsy.
An email from State Health Commissioner Norman Oliver ‘revealed some officials inside and outside the health department were concerned the death of Keyes, who is Black, could worsen vaccine hesitancy among minorities.’
Not investigating vaccine injury is worse than doing your job and investigating vaccine injury.
Let’s not forget that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”. Meaning, you probably won’t find what you specifically don’t look for. And not seeing evidence, is not proof that evidence does not exist.
These vaccines are not FDA approved, they are authorized for emergency use, which is fundamentally very different. It’s like an expedited authorization bypassing years of safety data. This is precisely why we should proceed with more caution, not less.
In February, 28-year-old mother and nutritionist Sara Stickles had a hemorrhagic stroke just 5 days after the second Pfizer shot, leaving behind a young son.
Haley Link Brinkmeyer was also only 28 years old and died two days after getting vaccinated, after feeling ill after the shot.
To date, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has received over 1500 reports of death, and over 300 heart attacks, after the Covid vaccines. Vaccine injuries have always been very underreported, so this may only represent 1%-15% of actual vaccine reactions.
Heart Attack, Stroke After Covid Vaccines From VAERS
Moderna lot 004M20A is associated with 8 deaths reported to VAERS, and dozens of serious adverse reactions, including central venous sinus thrombosis, stroke, seizure, thrombocytopenia, and more.
VAERS ID: 1026801-1
A 30 year old female Colorado resident experienced central venous sinus thrombosis two days after the Moderna shot. A central venous sinus thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses. This prevents blood from draining out of the brain. As a result, blood cells may break and leak blood into the brain tissues, forming a hemorrhage.
VAERS ID: 1053191-1
A 67 year old female from Indiana. Vaccine administered 02/08/2021 , by Thursday 02/11/2021 patient almost nonverbal, by Monday 02/15/2021 patient went to the hospital with bruising, sores on her stomach and clots reported as thrombocytopenia, deceased by Friday 02/19/2021.
Moderna Lot 007M20A is associated with 13 reports of death to VAERS, and reports of cardiac failure, cardiac arrest.
Moderna Lot 037K20A is associated with 30 deaths.
Pfizer BioNTech Lot EL0140 is associated with 27 deaths.
Pfizer BioNTech Lot EK9231 is associated with 34 deaths.
There is plenty of cause for alarm, but apparently not in the United States.
Symptoms reported to VAERS, after the Covid vaccines:
Heart Attack After Covid Vaccines Stories
Corrie Mendes was originally going to post her excitement on getting her second vaccine, but something completely tragic and devastating happened: Her mother suddenly died one week after the Moderna vaccine.
She writes:
“Don’t get me wrong I took the risk because I was anxious about it covid. I also wanted to see my mom & didn’t want to risk giving her covid. I didn’t know that the vaccine is actually very risky for people with underlying conditions.
My mom passed away on Friday… 1 week after getting her first Moderna vaccine. Her symptoms started the night she got her vaccine (seems to be exactly the same timing the rest of us start getting symptoms).
She was a diabetic, had heart disease & kidney disease but all managed and not showing signs of sickness there. NIGHT one her blood sugar dropped and she passed out.
We googled and it looked like in rare cases the vaccine could effect blood sugar of diabetics. Her dr told her to just change her insulin until symptoms subsided. Then her blood sugar was high for 2 days (Then it balanced). THEN she was very nauseous and throwing up for 2 days (then that stopped) THEN she had shortness of breath for 2 days. Nothing to call the ER. She thought it was vaccine symptoms that would go away.
She passed Friday peacefully.
I’ve been on daughter bear hunt to find a pathologist that can determine the vaccine caused my moms passing. I keep hitting walls. Apparently vaccine deaths can’t be traced. which is a bit of a problem you think?
I reported it to VAERS which is CDC & FDA but they won’t do autopsy (guessing now because vaccine is not conclusive in findings). Medical examiner is doing a covid test on mom but she was isolating until vaccine so she could see me & my girls.
When I called my moms pharmacist to cancel her prescriptions he told me he’d heard of 5 others RECENTLY passing after vaccine.
Families are left to pay for autopsy themselves (5k) as cause of death is normally determined based on an educated guess (who knew).
Corrie’s family had to pay for an autopsy, and they found that heart attacks can look different in women, than in men. She had nausea, vomiting & shortness of breath. ALL also ‘normal’ covid vaccine symptoms, but also signs of heart attacks in women.
“I was going to wait until we had full report but wanted to share now while we’re in the middle of a critical vaccination time for our parents. REMEMBER I haven’t been an antivax but now after Experiencing first hand what the possible side effects of this vaccine can be ..I plead with all views to listen. The real info needs to be released for everyone to make the right educated decision for themselves whether to vaccinate!! It could save your loved one!! Nobody’s mom should be taken early!!
There isn’t enough information readily available as the vaccine is new. It’s being tested on us. I’ve had hundreds of dm’s…similar stories. Some reported some not. It’s hard when people are grieving. Luckily mom had a type A daughter who won’t give up 🙋🏼♀️.
From the prelim findings from pathology it looks like mom had a heart attack that was triggered around 24/ hrs after vaccine. The timing is just to close & after all the dm’s of similar stories it’s REALLY hard for me not to believe that if mom hadn’t have had the vaccine that she would’ve still passed a few weeks ago. I’d still have her with me & dad.
HEART ATTACKS **** very important *** can manifest in women differently from what I knew. She didn’t have chest pain or numb arm. She had nausea, vomiting & shortness of breath. ALL also ‘normal’ covid vaccine symptoms.
PLEASE IF YOUR LOVED ONE IS GETTING VACCINE plan to stay with them (or check in often) and call doctor or go to urgent care with symptoms. Nausea for a young person like me can be the sign of an adverse dangerous reaction for older people with pre existing conditions!!! ****”
Social media and travel influencer Becca Ingle also experienced the tragic loss of losing her mother, just two days after getting the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine.
“The best mom and Grammy in the world slipped away from our life unexpectedly yesterday and the fact I didn’t get to see her, talk to her, tell her I loved her one last time is eating me alive. She got the vaccine on Monday because she is a believer in science. Felt bad shortly after, and went into cardiac arrest yesterday morning. My dad was unable to revive her. We have an autopsy underway. The thing she thought was saving her might have killed her.
If you know my mom, she is a professor @appstate the smartest women I know, she proofreads all my travel articles, she babysits my kids on demand when we travel, she took every precaution during covid and she loved her family so much. I love you so much mom. If I can just be half the mom you were I’ll know I’m fine. Thanks for all the messages, prayers and calls. I read and listen to them all. Life is so short and god took one of the best ones away from us, I’ll never understand why.”
Please consider contributing to their Gofundme.
Lindsey shares her grandmother Betty’s story.
“My grandmother died on 1.14.21 the day her nursing home, Briarwood Post-Acute in Sacramento CA, administered the Covid-19 vaccine while she was sick with Covid. This is her story.
Betty Kenna, my grandmother, contracted Covid-19 after an outbreak at her senior living home, El Dorado Estates (owned by Hawthorn Senior Living). [She first tested positive 12/8/20]
The outbreak happened right after Thanksgiving, when management was allowing group dining with no masks, allowing visitors, and not properly sanitizing common areas. Many people contracted the virus and several died. My grandmother fought Covid like a champ and was released after a one month hospital stay. She was transferred to Briarwood Post-Acute Nursing Home (owned by Meridian Management Services, LLC) in Sacramento to continue her rehabilitation while she was still sick and testing positive for Covid.
Briarwood Post-Acute negligently recommended and administered the Covid vaccine to my grandmother despite the knowledge that she was still sick with Covid. She died hours after receiving the vaccine.
From my research, I found that the CDC recommends waiting at least 90 days before getting the vaccine if you have Covid. If you think about it, why would any doctor administer ANY vaccine to ANY person who is SICK? Let alone, to a 96 year old woman who is already battling Covid?
The morning my grandmother was found deceased in her bed, ironically, her wedding ring was also “missing”.
Briarwood Post-Acute has refused to release my grandmother’s full medical records to our family. We have called, emailed, and sent official paperwork with our request. NOTHING. I have called and emailed the corporate office (Meridian) every couple of days for TWO months and have received NO RESPONSE.
We filed a complaint with the Sacramento County Health Department against Briarwood. During the investigation, Briarwood told the health department they were unaware my grandmother had Covid. THIS IS A FLAT OUT LIE. We have records to prove it and Covid is also listed as the cause of death on her death certificate.
I have spent endless hours contacting California attorneys, trying to find somebody who will take my case. So far, nobody is interested in taking Covid-related cases. I NEED YOUR HELP. Please share my grandmother’s story and help me find an attorney! I will not rest until I have justice for her.
A GoFundMe page has been started to assist the family with funeral expenses.”
Mortality Rate Is Higher Since We Rolled Out the Covid Vaccine
Mortality rates have peaked in the United States after we introduced the Covid vaccines. If vaccines prevented death, shouldn’t we see the opposite effect?
On January 2, 2021, 82,374 people died, all ages, all causes. This is higher than the previous peak in mortality observed in April 2020 largely due to New York’s mishandling of the coronavirus surge, and killing a large majority of people with ventilators and paralytic medications associated with them. The same drugs that killed Michael Jackson.
Vaccinating during a pandemic has always been problematic.
In fact, we have a warning from Geert Vanden Bossche, an independent virologist and vaccine expert who was formerly employed at GAVI (the vaccine alliance) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
He recently wrote an open letter appealing to the WHO (and all stakeholders involved) to immediately halt the mass vaccination campaign stating that there is compelling evidence indicating that the mass rollout will dramatically worsen the consequences of the pandemic. In this LIVE interview we will discuss his open letter and explore the evidence.
Not since November 22 1963 have the citizens of The United States of America been so grossly deceived and manipulated. The numbers of government officials involved in the scandals concerning the assassination and the predication which followed John Kennedy’s assassination, is manute compared with the depth of envolement in all aspects and phases related to COVID and the vaccination of the world’s population. I lost my best friend and wife (Judy) 2 August 2021. We were friends for nearly 50 years. We retired and moved to the mountains to enjoy these Golden Years that we had so much about all of those years. Judy got ill the night following the second vaccination of the Moderna. I kept urging her to go to the hospital, but she absolutely refused. She kept making a very strong case for staying home and waiting for her multiple problems to run their normal course. She was hard to argue with. She kept waving the set of documents that we received as she was administered the shot. As she told me over and over again; This states getting sick is normal and it should pass in a few days. A couple of days later she complained of sharp leg pains. Her sickness did not go away. She kept referring to those damn papers. About 9 or 10 days went by and when she tried to get out of bed she was paralyzed from her chest down. I had her rushed to the hospital. After the gamet of testing she was rushed into surgery where she had blood clots removed from both legs. A 3 inch clot formed on her brain causing a massive stroke. She went through nearly 3 months of physical care and therapy. She started feeling weak and the blood cloting returned and went directly to her brain. One day after removal of the blood clots she slipped into a coma and passed away. While in the hospital this second time she was placed on a floor of the hospital which was nothing but Covid patients. I observed at least 3 to 4 bodies per day being gurnied away. The hospital staff kept telling me that Judy did not have COVID. I repeatedly questioned why was my wife the only non COVID patient placed in the COVID ward.