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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Holly Stavola
Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories, Vaccines

Holly Stavola’s Story

When I look at Holly’s face and her beaming smile I see my daughter. I don’t remember the exact moment I came across Holly Stavola’s story. I don’t remember if it was her mother describing the story in a vaxxed stories, or if it was her family’s website that I stumbled into, but her story alone was enough to make me never want to vaccinate. It was enough to me as a reason why we should never, and I mean NEVER, mandate vaccines.

It’s why we should never force a parent to choose between their child’s education and their child’s health. It’s why we should not intervene in the doctor – patient relationship, and a perfect example of when a State Law has gone too far.

When or if a medical procedure could end untowardly, in death, it should never be required or mandated of any group of people. PERIOD.

Holly Marie Stavola

January 18, 1995 – February 4, 2000

From her mother Robin:

“On February 4th, 2000, Holly Stavola, a daughter, a sibling, a grandchild, and a niece died tragically and unnecessarily from encephalopathy due to her 2nd MMR vaccination, which was required of her for Kindergarten.

Holly was a completely healthy, bright, kind and beautiful 5 year old child. The day she received her vaccinations at her 5 year well check-up, Holly was not sick nor immunocompromised in any way.

She received the MMR, the oral polio (which was no longer recommended as of Jan. 2000), the DTaP, the Mantoux test, and my son received the Chickenpox Vaccine (he was 9 years old). She became very ill a week following the shots, which is within the expected time period, a vaccine table injury of encephalopathy.

Encephalopathy is one of the potential reactions of the MMR as stated in the Merck Package Insert and the vaccinetable.html  on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It can occur between 5-15 days after the vaccine.

She suffered 65 hours before becoming brain dead. Her first symptoms were a 107 degree fever and seizure that happened in our house before calling 911. In the first hospital we were screaming for help; they did a spinal tap to check for meningitis, and with increasing brain inflammation this should not have been done.

She was shivering because hypothermia set in due to them trying to cool down her 107/108 fever. She was naked, vomiting, could not speak (ataxia), and had tears in her eyes. Her last words in the ambulance were, “Mommy help.”

The doctors eliminated possible infectious, bacterial and viral diseases and concluded that all her symptoms were due to encephalopathy, a vaccine table injury. 

The federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to a vaccine.

Holly Stavola

Holly’s Law

On January 14, 2004, Governor James McGreevey signed the billP.L. 2003, c257into law, Holly’s law. The law allows titers or antibodies against measles-mumps-rubella to be acceptable in place of an MMR booster vaccination for school.

Four days before Holly’s birthday anniversary, the bill, P.L. 2003, c257, was unanimously released from both the Senate and Assembly Health Committees. It passed the Senate 40-0 on May 29, 2003 and it passed the Assembly 74-0 on January 12, 2004.

From naturalblaze:

Holly’s mother shared,

“Vaccine advocates like to say Holly’s reaction was ‘one in a million.’ The truth is, 1 out of 168 children end up in the ER after vaccination.

Holly’s reaction was not an allergic reaction. The MMR vaccine information statement states, “serious allergic reaction occurs in (less than 1 out of a million doses),” however, it does state, “seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever occurs in (about 1 out of 3,000 doses).”

Vaccine advocates also like to say that even though we were compensated, it doesn’t mean anything. The federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to a vaccine. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid out more than $3.18 billion to date. [11] (As of June, 2021 it’s over $4.5 billion)

The doctors eliminated all possible infectious, bacterial and viral infections that could have been causing Holly’s symptoms. How many coincidences can occur before there are no longer coincidences? There are three requirements of causality and Holly passed all three.

If you don’t think your child will end up like Holly, I never did, either. She was perfect and our choice to have her vaccinated, based on what we knew, took her away from us.

It’s also worth mentioning, New Jersey has one of the highest rates of autism compared to other states in the U.S. Many parents know the MMR vaccine contributed to their child becoming autistic; this is another reason parents may want to utilize Holly’s Law. [12]

Take a look at the MMR package insert from Merck. Scroll to the adverse reactions section, starting on page 6. Page 7 highlights encephalopathy, which is one of the potential reactions of the MMR.” [13]

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