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Vaccine Injury Stories

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Autism Vaccines
Health News, Vaccine Injury Stories

Vaccine Injury Story: Ear Infections, High Fevers, Rashes, Crossed Eyes, and Autism

“Our sweet Brennan boy.

Brennan was born without complications in 2013. Given that his older brother had been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and autism, we watched him like a hawk. He met every milestone on time, and in some cases, early. He was the one we were never worried about.

Looking back, he suffered vaccine injury after vaccine injury. Had we not believed the mainstream media and mainstream medicine we would not be in the situation we are today.

After his 4 month shots (Pentacel) he developed a solitary mastocytoma on his forehead. Knowing now what I do about mast cell activation we should have stopped vaccinating at that point. However, we were told “it’s normal,” and “it’s rare and the cause is unknown, but it’s not from a vaccine” so we continued to vaccinate.
He continued to progress normally.

When he got his MMR at 12 months we had a serious reaction. 104 fever, and a horrible rash all over his body. He was sick for 10 days. We were told that this was normal. Then, he started hand flapping and his eyes started crossing. Again, another sign- and more assurance that “this is normal, many kids hand flap, his eyes look normal- it’s a phase.” He also slowed down in terms of language. We continued to listen to our doctor that vaccines were safe, and effective. And that there are virtually no side effects. So, we continued to vaccinate.

Brennan continued to be very social, loving and playful. We still weren’t concerned about autism- aside from the hand flapping and his slow down in speech. My husband was a late bloomer in speech- so a slow down was “most likely genetic” according to our Doctor.

Then came the haemophilus B booster at 18 months. He stopped pointing, started jumping obsessively and stacking odd things obsessively. But still, he was very social, and was beginning to talk again, so we were told “he’s progressing normally.”

At 2 years we finally hit his toxic threshold. Immediately following his pneumococcal booster he had a 104 fever. His eye swelled shut a few days later. He was diagnosed with an ear infection and was put on antibiotics. We never saw our same Brennan again.

Thus began our battle with chronic constipation. He had to have an enema every 3 days just to prevent impaction. He would scream for hours on end in pain. He began banging his head on the ground repeatedly. Brennan, our son with the brightest light- no longer responded to his name. All his language was lost. He no longer wanted to be around friends and family- he spent all of our family parties on the side of our house- away from everyone. He would not be able to attend the preschool we had registered him for, which he was supposed to attend in January because he was in his own world.

He was diagnosed with Autism after we finally got in to see a neurologist after waiting on a 5 month long list. Instead of spending these years going to the park, playing, going to parties- we are going from therapy to therapy. There are no birthday parties for him to go to, or friends for him to play with. His brother, who is now recovered is his only friend.
His childhood has been stolen from us- and it was all avoidable. There were so many red-flags that I was told by my doctor to ignore. Our story is not isolated- there are millions of others that share our story- I am telling this story to try and spare others from the pain and heartbreak we have suffered as a family.

Please, don’t let this happen to your child. Go see #vaxxed. Learn what the CDC has known and covered up for 12 years. My child is already injured- I’m trying to prevent the same from happening to you.

The time has come for all of us to share our stories. There are millions of us, please be brave and share your stories for the sake of the children of this country! United, we can make a change!”

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